Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Poster Seeking Information: The Shattered Apostle


Events Staff
Very Sweet

Posters are found in various locations, such as Queensport, Ashstadt, Linlea, and Storm's Landing. It has a simple print of the Grand Archives sigil.

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It has come to my attention there is a demon known as 'The Shattered Apostle' that may reside within a sort of temple in the Hellrealms. I am looking for any information on this entity (and temple) to see if there is truth to it for the purposes of research and tomes regarding those of demonic origin. Payment can be provided if required, any information is of help. Additionally, any information regarding the Seamstress known as 'Ellmirath' is welcome.

Please send letters to the tavern in Ashstadt, as per the recent rumours of violence there I will not expect people to visit.

Magister of the Grand Archives,
Melarue Lydril