Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Seeking Work and Permanent Accommodation


Lord of Altera
To the various landowners and employers of Altera,

I, Percy J Newborough, have remained in temporary living conditions for too long, and so I now seek employment and permanent housing. I am a proficient cook, tailor, and diplomat, making me a welcome addition to any court of nobility, or municipal place of gathering such as a tavern or city hall.

Should you be able to offer housing, and a career, or at least the former, please contact me by leaving a letter with the men of the Crossroads, and it shall reach me.

(Just leave a letter-formated reply to this thread)

Thank you for considering me,

Yours Faithfully,

Percy J Newborough


Lord of Altera
In reply to Percy J Newborough

Marr offers Housing in their Capital city of Azerport. We are currently looking for people ranging across varies fields of work and I would love to speak with you more on Housing arrangements and hiring in person of you so choose to reply.

Please reply by sending a letter to Azerport and the people there will make sure I receive it.

-Tybalt Rhett-Engem of Marr