Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Loyal Servant of Altera
i know that you said no to unbanning me, but since i have nothing to loose id thought id take another crack at it. i know what i did was wrong and that against all judgment i have ever had i elected to use X-ray to aquier a few select items. i have enjoyed the 6-8 months i have been on this server and i would like to enjoy some more time on this server, after all it is new years so why not hope for another years fun at this server, i have believed so much in this server that i even spent $20 on it, and i would hate to just have my hard worked money wasted away, but i would love nothing more than be able to play with the freinds i have made on this amazing well crafted server, i relieze what i have done is wrong and that i shouldnt have done what i did, and i deeply apologize from the bottom of my heart. But once again if you decide to keep this as a perma ban i will understand and i will be very sad, but i will not whine or cry or even beg, i will stand strong and accept your final answer.



Lord Zanros Hawklight
i assume this is a ban for x-ray, therefore you have no appeal against it, and please do not try to use the fact that you donated as leverage to get back on the server, you chose to give that money to the server, it is not a pass to get back in when you do something against the rules.
The ban stands, unless the mod/admin that banned you chooses to repeal it, which is very unlikely.

I am going to lock this for now, and unless another mod/admin gets back to you saying otherwise, consider yourself still perma-banned


Grand Lizard
Xrays are unbannable, we told you this in the other thread. Also donating money does not entitle you to an unban.
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