Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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  • Greetings Guest, Welcome to our Medieval Roleplaying Server, HollowWorld! We're closing soon. Please enjoy the forums for now!

Server Tweaks

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Le Original Queen
As I type this, the Admin team is currently adjusting some of the server settings. This means frequent restarts, and some commands that won't work properly. They'll be fixed as soon as possible, and we're sorry for any inconvience this causes the members.

We ask that you keep patient and bear with us in this time of... well, chaos. :D



I think I might like it here
when will you update to 1.7?, my client updated by it self now I cant get on.


I think I might like it here
so where can I get 1.6 miceraft if minecraft updates utomatically?


Le Original Queen
Minecraft shouldn't update automatically. Notch added an option a few updates back that allows you the choice to update later. The only way to get 1.6 right now is to find a friend who hasn't upgraded, and have them send you a copy of their Jar file. I wouldn't go to the minecraft forums asking for it though, you're not allowed. If you can't get a 1.6 jar file, you'll just have to wait a few days until we update the server.

The Update to 1.7 will happen shortly after Bukkit has a stable build for the update and our Plugins are updated as well, but as of right now, their build is unstable, and there's some lag. Some of you might notice that is having some issues. It's from the update. Once everything is stable and in working order, we'll let you know when we update the server.
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