Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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SGT_Rhonin White list Application


1. Your Minecraft username: SGT_Rhonin​
2. Your real name: Evan​
3. Age: 14​
4. Gender: Male​
5. Country: USA

6. Yes​

7. I personally love roleplaying and have always loved medieval things in general

8. I am a piano playing calm person who would like to try a new server. I have been on a few roleplaying servers before and have had minecraft sense 1.2. I have my own server where my brother and I play although no one else because its a crappy computer. im an admin on another server and i have had to deal with everything from grievers to inappropriate drawings. thanks!​

9. sorry i do not have any screenshots right now because the server i used to play on reset because of updates​

10. yes it takes a lot of effort to run a server and thanks for what you do​

11. yes