Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Since people have a hard time with character weights


Retired Staff
Throughout my entire time at HW, I've noticed people are generally bad at determining how much their character should weigh, sometimes to hilarious proportions (in one case, a man weighed roughly as much as a large turkey).

For that reason, please take a look at this:

That's a Body Mass Index calculator, and although it's by no means definitive, it's better than a shot in the dark wild guess of a number that'll end up with your character being blown away by a stiff breeze.

This calculator provides only an estimate. Keep in mind that muscle is denser than fat, and a well-muscled 150lb man is a very different beast from an average joe couch potato at 150lbs.

For example, the world's second strongest man, one Hafthor Bjornsson, weighs 419lbs and stands at 6'9". He looks like this:

Note that despite being immensely strong, he doesn't have the usual 6 pack etc. He's got a solid core of muscle that would add significantly to his weight and therefore his BMI, which is 44.9, far into the extremely overweight category.

Compare that to this chart:

Muscles change your weight significantly. You can't be a waifish 100lbs and have strong muscles unless you're a midget among halflings. When making a character, try to estimate a realistic weight.

And as a final note/tangent: Genuinely strong people don't look like bodybuilders. A bodybuilder is someone who works to get the best possible muscle definition, while a strong person is someone who works towards strength. A strong person will look almost thick, but not exceptionally muscled. Telltale signs of a very strong person are a dense core, thick arms and legs, and broad shoulders.


i'm the wench if you're the cake ;)
I love that this is highlighted- A relative of mine into fitness competitions sends me magazine catalogues so I can study anatomy for my doodles, and we chat a lot about the whole sport of bodybuilding and musculature. Bodybuilders actually aren't that strong. Generally strong people are built like barrels :D


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
Generally strong people are built like barrels :D
Generally is the key word here. A lot of people don't know of a sport called Powerlifting. For example, I work with a girl who has recently become the European Powerlifting champion, (May 10th) and is not any bit built at all. When she told me, I didn't believe her because of her build. While Powerlifting doesn't have much to do with fighting and such, strength =/= being built like a brick poophouse.



Puppycat Herder
Staff member
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Retired Owner
Generally is the key word here. A lot of people don't know of a sport called Powerlifting. For example, I work with a girl who has recently become the European Powerlifting champion, (May 10th) and is not any bit built at all. When she told me, I didn't believe her because of her build. While Powerlifting doesn't have much to do with fighting and such, strength =/= being built like a brick poophouse.

You got a Player Love for the phrase "brick poophouse."