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Sir Harold Bubbles


Lord of Altera
The knight Sir harold was Ordered By the King of Narjiik to explore the edge of the world. The cost of failure is to be death!

His journey took him many years and made him strong and wise, he had to battle through forests full of creepers, scale mountains using his superior agility to scale them and traveling through caves with many spider nests, even though many would die from fatigue Sir Harold knew if he had turned back he would end up dead, the only difference would be the state of his honour.

Harold knew he was reaching the end of his journey when he encounted the flat lands, their was no hills or trees for as far as the eye could see. As he journeyed across the flat area he passed a lake of clear water, it was the cleanest purist water he had ever seen he could see the bottom of the lake which had to be at least a furlong deep. He set up camp for the night and waited till morning before emerging. He then continued to travel north towards the horizon which never seemed to get any closer Harold wondered about this for many hours, the church had always told him the sky was a dome around the land, he then saw a raven on the horizon it looked like a normal size raven from this distance but as he drew closer he realised how big it was one of its feathers was the size of his arm. Its wing was bent backwards at a strange angle, it was at this point the raven moved, Sir harold realised how weak it truly was he knew it would be dead before the day was up.

Just as the raven drew out of sight from him he saw a red glow on the horizon, Sir harold started to run towards the glow jumping over small shrubs and holes in the ground. As he realised how close he was to the glow he stopped and half of his foot stepped over the edge sending rocks down the cliff face he almost ran strait off. At the bottom of the cliff he saw what was making the glow.

He looked at the massive lava lake in front of him and saw a small island made of a dark pulsing substance, the only way to get to the said island was a narrow bridge made of the same dark substance. On examination of the metal he saw that it was made of text from an ancient language. As he stepped on the bridge the words beneath him sagged towards the lava. Harold knew he had to complete this challenge, he slowly made his way over the lava.

About half way he started to hear and feel a throbing the air around him pulsed and shimmered, when he finally reached the island his head felt like it was going to explode, he staggered towards the pedistal in the middle of the island. As he clutched his head from the pain he looked at the item on the pedistal his eyes widened at the splender of what was before him.

It was a round green gem the size of his head and inside he could see a small black ball pulsing in syncronization with the air around him as he moved one of his hands towards the gem the pulsing started to become faster and faster until it was just one long deafening note.

As his hand touched the gem the pulsing stopped and for a second the world seemed frozen.

But not for long.

The gem exploded and the dark gem inside started to fly strait up until a cloud of the strange black liquid was floating above him. As the black liquid descended onto Harold he managed to let out one word before he was engulfed "Mary".

He woke up by where the bridge of text used to be and wondered what had happened, if it had happened, All he could feel of the throbbing was the one behind ,or to be more accurate inside, his right eye. As he traveled back to his old campsite the throbbing started to die down. As he passed by the raven a pain exploded behind his eye as a green mist slowly poured out of it and made its way towards the raven. As the glow entered the raven nothing happened for a few minutes, feeling weakened Sir harold started to walk away, it was at this point the ravens wing suddenly snapped strait crunching and cracking as it the bones nitted back together after the ravens wing was fixed it took one look at Harold and flew South towards where his campsite lay. when he finally made it back to camp he saw the raven drinking from the otherside of the lake.

As he bent down to drink the water from the lake he gazed apon his reflection and gasped in horror half of his face was turned into a dark waxy skin and his eye had a deep green pupil which as it started to get dark glowed, he looked at his face for hours crying out of one eye until he fell asleep by the lake.

He awoke with a terrible pain in his arm it was as though his arm was burning in a pot of boiling water. He withdrew his arm from the water, first he thought the water was hot but he saw a chicken frolicing on the other side of the lake. He then realised what it was any water burnt him as though it was as hot as fire. When he looked back into the water he relised his eye was brighter than it was last night even though the sun was out. He pondered about this for many moons.

As he continued his journey he slowly forgot about his home land and everything there.

After only a year of running he reached a stone brick wall, Harold followed the wall round to the massive wooden gate, as he approached the "Port silver" tavern the men sprinted away from him while the women grabbed their children and ran inside their houses slamming the doors almost in unison.

Inside the tavern he met a Red scaley demon, Harold thought that this thing was a "monster" but then he rembered that he was also one now. The demon groweled at Harold, although frightened Harold told the Demon the only thing he could remeber about his life, his name, the demon merely responded by growling the words "my name is cubey". It was at that point many of the townsfolk entered the inn carrying torches and pitchforks ( cliché'd i know but deal with it). The demon stood up and growled at the gathering crowd. As the crowd dispersed a single man remained he wore a great, long, brown fur coat that trailed along the floor and a golden helm. He greeted Harold as though he was an old freind, he told harold his name "Grimr Sveinsson" He invited Harold to the town of Skara Brae, where he met new freinds, helped others and in the months he stayed there he learnt the art of potion making. He eventually became mayor of the town. After many months of Ruling skara brae a old hermit came to town. when he saw sir harold he made strait for him and then grabbed his hood ripping it off. Sir harold ,fearing for his safety, called the guards where they took him to prison to be questioned.

Apon questioning the hermit it was found that he knew more about Sir harold than Harold did. Sir harold had the hermit questioned for many weeks until he learned as much about him as he could. The only things that he didnt understand is what the hermit said about his eye he said that it was "a source of great power". The hermit went on rambling about a dimension of large creatures that were using these powers to tap into our of world and steal our resources. In order to keep themselves secret, these creatures would attack anything that noticed them comming in and stealing things. He spoke of how he met a group of their cousins that came to this world, trying to repair the damage caused by their purple eyed cousins. These creatures had green eyes and would often heal and build to restore what their cousins stole and destroyed. The hermit warned Sir Harold to take his power with utmost care. After he gave up this last piece of information he died there on the table with no cause behind it.

Sir harold then left Skara to try to learn to use this magic in peace, as he traveled far to the north of skara he learnt he could tap into the "magic pool" but if he did he was left weakened But as he practised on the wildlife he realised he couldnt heal himself no matter how hard he tried. as he progressed from trivial injurys to fatal injuries he was found by a pirate. When he saw her he gasped and tried to run, but as his turned he relized how many pirates there where. as he turned to face the one female pirate behind him he was hit from behind. spinning to the floor he then fell unconsious.

He woke up in a room filled with paintings a cushions across the otherside of the room was a girl asleep and the female pirate sat next to her. The female pirate was asleep, Sir Harold got up to leave the room but as he made it near the door her eyes flew open. She told him to stop, "why should i" demanded Harold. "she is ill" was the reply pointing at the girl. "what problem of it is mine if she is ill" Said Harold. "Please help her she is one of the last of her kind" she pleaded.

Sir Harold wondered what she meant until he drew closer, even though it was a girl it was not entirely human it was at least part cat her pointy ears and her tail was now obvious. He then saw her leg it was bleeding and bent the wrong way. as he concentrated on healing the leg the power was drained from him faster than normal just has he heard the leg crack back into place and the cuts dissapear he passes out.

Yet again he woke up in the bed the Pirate was stood over him. He felt a burning sensation on his forehead, that could only mean one thing, he ripped the wet clotch of his forhead and dropped it to the floor. The pirate saw the burn and felt the rag, confused she asked what was wrong, "it was water" he croaked.

For the third time in a row he woke up in the same room, he felt better stronger and more importantly he was still alive. The pirate finally introduced herself as sally, as he walked outside he gasped in wonder at the massive cove he was in. for a while nothing much happend, he set up a potion shop and healed the pirates when it was needed, all in all he was happy here and then passed out.

Name: Sir Harold

Nickname/Alias: Harold
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Height: 5 ft 3
Weight: 4 stone
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Glowing green and blue
Skin: tanned brown with green seaweed
Identifying Marks: Green seaweed and red fin tail
Appearance: errr read the story?

Potion maker.
slow on land
Occasionally faints due to curse.


Lord of Altera
Chapter 2 : the cure or a curse?

As sir Harold searched the world of altera for a cure to his curse, he heard rumours of the sea goddess returning to grant a single wish to the person lucky enough to be chosen. As sir Harold sneaked around the library of uthrandir looking for the location of the sea goddess he heard a noise behind him, as he turned a shimmering shield erupted out of the floor, using his own magic he teleported across the room.

As sir Harold landed on top of the bookshelf another shield appeared around him, this one was blue, as he tried to teleport out he realised what it was that surrounded him ,water, the wizard in front of him must be a knowledgeable Mage because not many knew of his weakness.

The wizard spoke for the first time since they had met "what are you doing?"
Sir Harold merely replied "looking for the sea goddess" he was not really bothered about the shield if the wizard had wanted to kill it would have been done by now.
The wizard did something sir Harold ,even still, does not understand. He lowered the portal and stated "I know where she is, she is located in the lake directly west of here".
Sir Harold the teleported to the grass outside and ran to the west.

The lake appeared in front of him, it glowed a deep blue and pulsed with powerful magic. As a woman with water for hair stepped out in front of Harold, he saw the hatred behind her eyes as she flowed towards him, Harold understood why she hated him they where exact opposites he could not touch water and yet she was made up of it. "why have you come here?!" she said in a soothing tone which did not match the anger that was shown on her face, "to make a wish" he replied, for once sir Harold was afraid the one true thing that could kill him outright ,water, was stood in front of him.

"fine what is your wish" she said knowing full well that her mother ,the actual sea goddess, would never gra t the wish of an Enderman.
"I wish to be free of my curse" as he finished his last word sea weed from the lake bound him to the floor in his last moments of consciousness he felt the power of the seaweed pulsing through him.

He woke up Several hours later face down on the grass he looked at his arms to see they where no-longer scaly and black they where soft and brown but he still had the green seaweed under his skin, he could still feel the power emanating from that. As he went to pull it off he realised it was under his skin.

As he went to get up he realised what had truly happened the sea goddess had not removed the curse just reversed it completely.

He was a merman


Sparkly purple member of the team
So we have a werewolf-merman *and* a enderman-merman? I guees I'll be keeping my feet in dry land.


Lord of Altera
Is this sea goddess my niece? How in the world did you find my niece Kiwi? Hmm.... I guess I should call her on the shell sometime soon.