Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Finished Skraag's Sermon (II)


Magus of Nothing
The walls flicker with the light of torches, revealing carvings of un-dead rising from their graves, scenes of a glorious time to come. The crash of waves outside, the cold winds of the north funnelling through the carved halls of the temple. The hard pressure of a stone bench pressed against your back accompanies the weight of a carved skull hanging from your neck as you run your fingers across it's face. The hum of voices to every side and the warm presence of bodies to your left and right make you feel part of a larger being, but one face of a mighty organism. You hear their words, the same words you are now saying. Repeated, again and again and again. Words that speak of truth, of hope for the future and a time where none need worry.

"Death Is Unnecessary."

Borne of a need to spread Skraag's power and influence across the land at an ever faster rate, Fadast decided that another sermon is in order. Preaching The Soul Stealer's word, his true word, is the only way that more will consider following his calling, and after the successes of the last sermon he held, another one is of course in order. In a similar fashion to the last, it is hoped that after preaching his words in a sermon, answering questions and handing out anything the people desire that he can provide at Skraag's shrine in the Cathedral, those he finds who truly seek The Necromancer's blessings along with following his Doctrine and Virtues will be invited back to the Necromancer's skull in Dawnshard for a mass prayer session in the name of the God of Immortality.

Invited specifically are those of the Order of Undeath, though their absence will be excused if a sufficient reason is given. (No pressure if you can't make it.)

High Priest Fadast ( @jakp25 )
Priest Greyling ( @skuller )
Acolyte Valdaer ( @Prebuz )
Acolyte Mila ( @Monster_Dan )
Acolyte Solitarios ( @overlord2304 )

Along with the fully initiated and invested into the Order, those who Fadast believes have the potential and possibility of becoming members are also specifically invited.
(I don't have your forum names I'm afraid, but if you have been handed an ebony skull necklace, this is you.)

Currently planned date and time;
Sunday the 7th of December, 2014 at 7:00 PM GMT. Link below for other time-zones.'s Sermon (II)&iso=20141207T19&p1=136

OOCly this is an attempted summoning of Skraag, at whatever time he feels it is best to arrive before his followers. Along with this, I accept the possible effects upon the Dawnshard region as it's owner, and the other region being used (the Cathedral) is automatically accepted due to being neutral lands (or atleast, this is what Mich indicated.) Due to it being a summoning @Michcat is being tagged just incase she misses it somehow (as unlikely as this is to happen I don't want to risk it :p).

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Lord of Altera
Wait seventh of december, oooo il be home then, in which case I will be able to run six instances of minecraft and still have 101% CPU power available (god bless PCs)


Magus of Nothing
Gah, ok.

Too many RPs are happening and I've just been persuaded ICly to re-open this.

So yeah...

I'm getting confused myself.


Events Staff
Very Sweet
Oh nooo. ;c;
I was going to attend but I'm going out to watch a movie; sorry!
(If theres ever..Another one. I'll try get to that xD)