Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Slash_Dance's quaint Application [Approved - Just]


1. Your Minecraft username: Slash_Dance
2. Your real name: Austin Kirby
3. Age: 18 (will be 19 on the 19th of February)
4. Gender: Male
5. Country:United States of America
6. Have you read the Tome of Citizenship or agree to do so before signing into Hollow World for the first time?

I pledge an oath to the "Tome of Citizenship" and shall keep it upheld in the highest regard.

7. How do you feel about the 'roleplay' aspect of our server? Do you have any experience roleplaying?

I say, I am very fond of this style of interaction as well as having a vast experience with it. May I present a few instances from where I have acquired such experiences. Ahem, Runes of Magic (a WoW clone of sort in which few role-play within), an RP guild within World of Warcraft from very many moons ago who taught me how to role-play, and alas the final instance...Runescape, from which I was introduced to the concept but later honed this skill within WoW.

8. Please introduce yourself to the community; explaining who you are, your interests / hobbies and why you are here in 8 sentences or more.
Greetings, I am Slash_Dance, a fairly new player to the Minecraft community. I am one of those adventurers who seek the thrill of the hunt and have a lust for battle, all the while ready to assist if another is in need of help. Some things I have a knack for, besides games, would be cooking, origami (the art of paper folding), and snowboarding. I also have training in masonry and carpentry so that may count for something that relates to this game. I am a full time student at the University of Cincinnati of which my major is still undecided at this point and time. I would like to become a part of this community in hopes of meeting new people and making friends in this game of Minecraft which I have a fondness for. Even though I am a relatively new player to Minecraft I will contribute as much as i can to the community here and hope to learn a few more building styles/ tricks on top of what i have already acquired through single-player mode. I implore you to please consider this application of mine so that I may join your community. Thank you for taking the time to read this and as always, stay frosty my friends.
9. If you have examples of your work please attached them to this post using the "upload a file" button or link to the image or video.

Unfortunately I do not.

10. Is there anything else you wish to share with us?
If any of you wish to learn more about me please email-me at or skype me at kirbaybay1138.

11. Are you aware that the use of black magic (xray,xray texture packs and ore locator mods) is not allowed on our server, and a banishable offense?
Of course! the only add-on I have is Rei's mini map.

12. How did you find out about our server?
A Minecraft server site.

13. Have you voted for us?
Yes, my Lord..