Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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[Snowbound Village] Moonrise


Lord of Altera
From the writings of Caide, itinerant monk and scholar:

The moon rises, its light gleaming across the ivory snow. A pair of cloaked figures witness the ascent between the Twin Peaks from across the valley. Finally one of the men turns and addresses the other: "I could live a thousand years and never grow tired of watching this."

"Perhaps you could, Caide, but I am growing weary of it. I fear we will not be able to complete our search with the supplies we have remaining. I had hoped to leave this place behind weeks ago."

"It is as I said, Angam. We won't be able to remain here much longer unless we get help. If we had a larger company, they could help with the day to day tasks involved in living here while we devoted more time to our search. That commissioner from Stormhold seemed willing enough to join us here. With a little searching I'm sure we could find others."

"I fear you are right… Curse that old wizard and his secrets. Dead three hundred years, and still he blocks our progress."

"It is not our place to speak ill of the dead. No task worth doing is done easily."

"Don't quote your platitudes at me. I know that the end result will be worth the effort, but that doesn't mean I have to relish the obstacles that postpone it."

Caide remains silent at this. After a few minutes, Angam speaks again: "Well, I see no use in remaining out here further. We should get to sleep. Tomorrow we will return to more hospitable lands and begin our preparations for a more permanent outpost." With this he turns and walks away, heading down the path towards Moonrise Keep in the distance. It is a long time before Caide, with a sigh, finally follows him.

Thus was Moonrise founded.

Town Information
Mayor: Count Angam Filar (Angam23)
Vice-Mayor: Caide (Sir_Flapjack)
Members: Rex Frostshadow (FrostGuardian)
Lolita Serene (lolitavomit)
Ekaj D. Ology (JakeDology)
Location: Northeast of Stormhold on the eastern continent. (x: 12306, z: 2271)

Moonrise is a village located in a beautiful snowy valley. It is the seat of House Filar. We are a fairly small community at the moment, but are now looking to begin growing. Our goal is to create a town that compliments the surrounding landscape rather than covering or disrupting it.
If you wish to join us, the easiest way is to talk to myself or Sir_Flapjack in game. We will invite you to the town and show you around in rp, and if you seem to be a good match we will add you to the town. Members are also encouraged to join House Filar, but it is not required.

  1. Members are welcome to use any of the materials within the town's warehouse as long as it is either being used on the town itself or later replaced to the best of the individuals ability. Keep the warehouse organized.
  2. Replant anything you harvest from the farms. (should go without saying)
  3. Members are allowed to alter the interior of their houses at will (provided that don't deviate too much from the town's theme). Changes to the exterior of houses and the construction of new buildings must be approved by myself or Sir_Flapjack beforehand.
  4. Do not break immersion on the rp channel. We have a separate channel that we use for all ooc town communications.

Roleplaying and Backstory
In addition to being avid roleplayers, many of our members greatly enjoy writing. As such a large amount of town-related lore is currently in the works and should be posted in the forums soon. A number of events tied to this are also under development. The basics you should know before joining are that Moonrise Keep was built centuries ago by a powerful wizard and has been abandoned since he died. Angam heard rumors that he had left behind a source of great power. He went to investigate, bringing the monk Caide along to help him. After searching for weeks, they realized that they would need a more permanent base if they were to continue their search, so they founded Moonrise. Members are welcome to contribute to the town's lore or ask that their character be given a place in it.
