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SoS related happenings in the kingdom of Aeyeras


Lord of Altera
@Axex , @bodejodel , @Redocs , @jakp25

Day 1

The People of the kingdom wonder why the night suddenly takes longer and consider it a bad omen, church attendance rises.

Days 4 - 11

Three days after the events in the Cathedral in Port Silver Rumors of the God's corruption reach Heaven's Reach

Due to the rising panic the Golden hammer's Church's Grandmaster orders extended sermons to the Gods (Excluding the evil ones which it considers Archdemons :p )

Day 11 - 15 *

At Dusk, one week after the rumors have taken root, the Cathedral's Beacon (HR) suddenly ceases to emit its light into the sky.

A few Hours after the Beacon lost its Heaven's Reach is being sieged by the undead and the hordes of Monsters, people flee into their homes and barricade themselves while the city guard is being forced back to the castle, they seem uninterested in trying to break through civilian's barricades.

The Grandmaster orders the majority of the battle-ready soldiers to fall back to the keep and protect the King while the Knights Order of the Dragon Knights prays to Haratheth for victory in their counter attack in the cathedral.

Alas, they never had time to finish their prayers, as they saw themselves confronted with the Undead and Monsters who had forced their way through the Castle gates and were marching into the cathedral.

Close to their loss to the endless hordes of the Corrption, Grandmaster Firestorm has an idea. Ordering his knights to hold the enemy at bay until he is done, even if it would cost their lives he enters the Beacon chamber where he forcefully removes the god's sigils only leaving Shalherana's sign's intact and re-joins the fight.

The formerly endless hordes slowly fell to the Knight's weapons, and when dawn finally arrived they emerged victorious.

- During the following days thankful sermons to Shalherana were held the entire day, and only memorial services and funerals would pause them.

Interim result

- Heaven's Reach lost 63% of its town guards

- Half of the Order of the Golden Hammer was extinguished

- 7.5 % of Aeyeras Army died ( of a total 10% that was in HR at that time-; thus 75% of the troops stationed in HR)

- About 13 Civilians died, during the initial onslaught.

Day 16 *

Grandmaster Firestorm sends out 7 knights to scout all over the world, in order to assess its state, only 2 would ever return.

Memorial services are being held throughout the Kingdom

Couriers are sent out with new orders for the Lords and the army ordering them to keep the soldiers close to boarders and

Day 20

The first knight to return reports that the rumor's about the gods having chosen the corruption are true as well as the general state of the cathedral, while the second reports about a giant sword sticking in Shalherana's temple in the swamps.

Day 21

The Knights of the Dragon tear off the Signs of the Pantheon from their tabards and remove them from their weapons, leaven only Shalherana's intact.

Day 22

The Grandmaster officially abolishes the faith in the majority of the Pantheon, and outlaws their faith throughout the Kingdom. Again only Shalherana would remain.

Day 23

Rumors of Dark Cults having erected shrines dedicated to unknown demonic beings throughout the Kingdom.

Due to the Knight's diminished numbers the regular soldiers are sent to investigate

Day 24

The Grandmaster sends out a fourth of the remaining Knights to gather the remnants of the Sisterhood and gather them for protection in Heaven's Reach

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