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Deceased St. Blair Contraire


object oriented
Staff member
Retired Owner
St. Blair Contrair
[Event Character] One-Time Character :heart:

He woke up in a sudden jolt, his body lurching forward so suddenly that his wife was almost pushed off. She quickly sat up in a hurry as she heard her husband groan in pain. "Dear?" She whispered as she looked at him and reached a hand towards his huddled body next to her. She noted the sheets was soaked with his sweat. "What ever is the matter?"

He did not respond to her concern and continued to groan. She heard him start to whisper strange words. She frowned and furrowed her brows, afraid at this strange behavior of his. "W-what?"

All she heard was his gibberish. And to her horror, it grew louder. She stared at him in shock as he spoke of words she did not know. She could only look on in silence. At this moment, he turned his head slowly to look into her eyes, his mouth still moving. She shrunk back, away from him. His eyes were dead-black and unglowing from the shimmering of their nightstand candlestick. He spun around and got of the bed, throwing the sheets to the side. She whimpered as she pulled the sheets up around her chin, keeping a wavering eye on him. She watched as he shuffled out of the room and heard doors open and close.

Time stood still. But she feared it had also been too long.

"Dear?" She called after the open door of their bedroom. Hearing nothing, she got up off the bed, her nightgown flowing onto the floor.

"Dear?" She called as she headed into the dark hall way, lifting her small candle light.

She finally made it to the cold main entrance, the door billowed open on it's hinges and she stared in horror at the empty room.

"Dear!" She screamed as she ran towards the open door way. The echo of her voice sounding in the cold night air.

Where did you go?

Status: Drinking Ale all day Er'day.
[The Basics]
Given Name:
Owen Tort
Now goes by: St. Blair Contrair
Meaning of Current Name: "Blatant Liar"
Note: Self proclaimed "Saint". But he would never admit that to you. Ever.
Age: 67
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 5"7
Weight: Frail, Slender and Short.
Hair: White
Eyes: Black
Skin: Wrinkly pale.

Languages Spoken:
  • Common (Fluent)
Identifying Marks + Appearance:

Frail, Slender and Short. His loud obnoxious voice. Strange white uncombed hair. His clean appearance and his sun-symboled cape.

Strengths: Eloquent in words
Weaknesses and fears: Non-Believers. The End of all Days.
Religion and cults: The light of Harateth.
Home: --

Treasured Items:
  • A Cloak he sewed himself. The shining of Harateth's Symbol stitched on it.
  • The letter his wife wrote him. He wants to rip it up, but it's the only memory of her he has left.
Appearance in-game:

Preacher. Goes around spreading his love of Harateth

None Spends his days running around Port Silver. Lost in his deranged thoughts.

Home: tba
Beliefs/Follows: Harateth
Background Storytime:

To be continued...

Familial Relationships:

Sonya {Wife} : Status - Alive : His love for his wife is was second to his love for Harateth's light. He doesn't know how hard it is for his wife to keep loving him when he ignores her wishes.
[Update] She left him a note telling him she was leaving him. This breaks the man.

Quin {Son} : Status - Dead : His precious son. He lost him in the river when he was just a wee bab. This breaks the man. A local incident in his village. He was careless and left his son un-attended while he took a small nap by the river. He blames himself every day he remembers. And drinks to drown out the sorrow when he does. The loss of his son brought forth his reason to seek guidance from Harateth and his Judgement of Truth.

Harateth's Light



Side Notes:

Blair's Voice:


Friendly with:
Neutral [Had little conversation with]:
Wary of: Scardrac, Harateth
The Rude:
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