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Statement about the ... state of my characters


An Alteran Bard
Retired Staff
Hi folks!
This is a statement I'd like to make so that a lot of people will know about it straight away and I won't have to tell everyone individually.
It's not a big deal drama post, it's just so I can reach folks en masse.

I've decided to stop roleplaying the characters I currently have and only use them as a tool to enjoy other people's events.
As such, you'll only see my characters at your or my events and they won't be available for casual RP.

This decision stems from realizing that I enjoy DMing an awful lot and do not enjoy RolePlaying anymore whatsoever.
I will no longer be RolePlaying myself and I will do my best not to make a new character. I've tried to get back into the swing several times, but it's just not for me anymore.
This is not meant to be a bad thing, it's just something that took time for me to discover.

I will continue DMing and RPing NPCs and the like. :D
I'm glad to have made this decision. It frees up a lot of space in my mind.
This is a good thing :)

I am making this post because I notice people are counting on me to play several of my characters and I don't have time or energy to live up to those expectations.
The characters that are affected by this decision, and how I will handle the IC side of it, are my:

  • Kublai
    Ancient Dwarf, most people know the guy, master carpenter.
    Is active as a Visage character. Will remain IC active and craft things behind the scenes for his commissioners. He's my main dude, he's staying alive for events.
  • Ahya'iki
    Bwabo tribe ex-leader
    Savage grove has been found, I believe. I like keeping this dude handy for when there's some Bwabo related things in the future. He'll be hiding in the bushbush till then.
  • Arnkel Gothi
    Mercenary northerner Viking type
    Enlisted by the Asrakosian army. Kinda hope he dies at the upcoming siege event.
  • Arthur Blackby
    Instigator, brawler, rough and tough SL guy
    Will keep him handy whenever there's something to protest or rebel about in SL until he dies at one of those events.
  • Gharid Grabstick
    Proprietor of curious objects at Flotsam
    Gonna keep this character purely as an event character and likely kill him off at the grand finale of the Flotsam arc once that is set up.
So in short: 1 will live, 1 will go missing, 3 will die at the right time and place at some point.
If I forgot a character I play, well, then it wasn't an important enough character and you may consider them missing until I find a nice way to kill them off *evil laugh*
If anyone has any questions, I don't mind answering them.

Cheerio and when you're sad, don't be sad.


Lord of Altera
Hey, do what you like doing you know? I think your dming is great, and if you have fun doing it then you have my support. From one DM to another, as I'm dming in a campaign for dnd, I respect your decision