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Still Banned...


Lord of Altera
To start off, I read pretty much all of the posts on what happened in the Southern Wilds today or yesterday or whenever it happened, but I'm still banned. I have absolutely no clue what I did to deserve the ban, and I haven't even been on the server since Sunday the 18th. When I try to log on, it says I'm banned until the 22nd, but on the forum list it says it's permanent. I'm incredibly confused and would really like some clarification as to what happened. I haven't been on long but I really love this server, it's what I look forward to all day and I don't know what I would do If I got banned :(


Lord of Altera
first things first, you were one of the people who gave lip to the administration team, from what ive heard, i may be wrong.

heres your reason; May i also say that this is not my post.

Complete disrespect and idiocy - Southern Wilds spawn.

You were banned by auxilium, for the destruction of the SW spawn. It shoudlve been common sense that you were to move AWAY from the portal then go your fair way, but you didnt. Sorry but the ban stays.


Cobblestone King
At first hand Cherbert gave me the order to ban everyone who seemed to be involved in this situation. I did that, and in the mean-time we started to investigate each indivual case with care. Most of the people have been unbanned and their cases has been dealt with.

The thing is, we first wanted to unban you as well; until Fencible mentioned that your chat-logs were pretty much the reason why the ban should stay.

We are currently investigating it; and you'll hear from us soon enough.


Lord of Altera
Alright, but what were my chat logs? Because I'd really like to know, also I did NOT destroy the Southern Wilds spawn. If there is something that I don't remember or don't even know about, I apologize. I always thought I didn't give the admins any smart mouth or rude comments.