Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Storybooks and Smoke

Magic Intern

Lord of Altera
Retired Staff

Listen to the stories on the stages, the tales packed between the crumpled spines of well-loved books. Their patterns are as familiar to you as the workings on your favourite coat, with endings that tie up as tidy as the bindings that hold them together.

These are not those tales.

These stories weave and tangle beneath the notice of Gods, blowing in and out of your life like a draft. There is no call from above to answer and no reason to their rhyme. They don't leave pretty endings or aesops; but loose ends blowing in the wind and knots in your hair.

Heroes need not apply.


What is this?

Hello! I DM sometimes. All the lofty prose aside, this is just where I'll be keeping my personal record of my ongoing storylines in Hollowworld, and where players can keep note of them. Most of these will be run by way of random encounters and general NPCing, but there are no rules here. Except for the King's Law and Staff Protocol and Event Team Procedures
I encourage players to pursue anything they find interesting in these little encounters. Any events that spring up from them will probably be player-driven, so go mad and tag me in a ticket or event request thread if there's something you or your character would like to explore. There's a lot buried within these to find, so do it because it's fun or do it because no one else will.

✢ [ONGOING] Hearth Without a Home

A smoke-haunted pyrotechnic wanders the roadsides, dragging a cartload of curiosities in his wake. He'll give you the show you want or kill you trying!

> 09 / 12 / 21 : An encounter at the Landing, a game of trust. Smoothed over some ruffled feathers and got rid of some rotten cargo. Veradite MercurySteve Kostadim

✢ [ONGOING] The Ledger Red

A broken promise passing hands.

> 09 / 12 / 21 : An old ledger enters the possession of Malark Tallstag, bought with someone's trust. MercurySteve

✢ [ONGOING] The Changeling

Something unright haunts the windblown edges of Blackrush. It blends with the scenery and watches with eyes you recognize. Just what is it here for?

> Following a Joust in Blackrush, a 'mystery knight' disappears like the dead, leaving nothing behind but a suit of Varyn armour stuffed with trinkets and thistles, and a brief sighting of its puppeteer. mageaegis

> A spy is discovered by some residents, a little chase ensues.

> Monty Durandal encounters himself in the Library, where something is very amiss. TidalTerror

> The people of Blackrush investigate the trail, and unearth a motive. A warning is passed along. Adam/Byrne

> Silence, since then.

✢ [UPCOMING] Salt of the Earth

A song, bellowing through stones.