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SweetLemonDew's unbanning appeal

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hello.. I understand it could have been seen as childish. however I got a bit irritated and shouldn't have let it get to me. its just I had the same skin as another character and I don't see why two people cant have the same skin.. never the less this girl kept pestering me to change it and followed me across the map. i got really annoyed and left the map but not before saying and I quote " f*** this, im not staying here and getting nagged at". when i left i spent the next 20-ish minutes looking for a skin i doubt anyone would have only to fine i have a permanent ban and told to grow up.. I am sorry for acting childish and immature.. i did not expect it to go this far.. please forgive me it will not happen again..


Lord of Altera
It's good you see in your fault. I, or one of the other skin makers on this site, can make you a unique skin. You just have to post a message on one of the threads.
I must add that it is really annoying if people on this server use the exact same skin as someone else. We are a medieval RP server, which means RP is very important. Unless they're twins or disguised enemies, there will never be two exact same people walking around in Altera. It can be a real RP kill when people use the exact same skin.


i have found a very distant skin .. was hard to find.. i doubt anyone has it .. and i am sorry i didnt relise anyone else had that skin


Legend of Altera
Whether or not this is a productive post or not is up for debate, but I saw the comment saying SweetLemonDew was using the same skin as DrususTheDumb. I checked and saw that they weren't. Lemon's skin had a hood, if I remember correctly, whereas Drusus' doesn't.

That seemed like a really unnecessary thing to nag someone about. I used to use the Honeydew skin, which is rather popular, and nobody said anything.


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
Im leaning towards unban, but i want to let cubey post first in case there is some info i dont have.


Lord of Altera
Whether or not this is a productive post or not is up for debate, but I saw the comment saying SweetLemonDew was using the same skin as DrususTheDumb. I checked and saw that they weren't. Lemon's skin had a hood, if I remember correctly, whereas Drusus' doesn't.

That seemed like a really unnecessary thing to nag someone about. I used to use the Honeydew skin, which is rather popular, and nobody said anything.
If that is true, then I must add that Drusus has used that skin. The only difference is the hood, but besides that it's still the same skin, and therefore the same person.


Lord Zanros Hawklight
Honestly i do think that you over-reacted a bit with the issume of skins being the same its, i mean there are many people on the server who have very very similar skins, but as this is lemons thread i will not hijack it any more than this.


Legend of Altera
If that is true, then I must add that Drusus has used that skin. The only difference is the hood, but besides that it's still the same skin, and therefore the same person.
The same person except for the fact that one has a hood and the other doesn't and they also have different names.

People use similar skins all the time. In Warstrom, a couple of users have the same skin (except for the head), and their cloaks/armour sports Warstrom's trident. Also, if I'm not mistaken, residents of Protaras wear a skull mask. Similar skins can be used for RP purposes as well.

With a community the size of Hollow World's, it seems unnecessary to nag people over their skins unless they are inappropriate. I know people with inappropriate skins are banned, but next we'll be banning people with appropriate skins simply because other users already have them.


Legend of Altera
not to mention places like Uthrandir that have uniforms....
I completely forgot about Uthrandir and their white/gold cloaks. Other than Uthrandir and Protaras, I don't know of any other towns that impose uniforms, but that does add to my point. Thanks.


Legend of Altera
I think it means this situation started for no reason but you were likely banned for saying " f*** this, im not staying here and getting nagged at"

It also means wait for Cubeydoom.

This was for your attitude, there was no need for swearing in OOC (starring it out is just as bad), keep your anger on your side, there's no need to let it out on others.
However I believe you won't do this again, I'll unban you.
Please don't prove me wrong.


My ban has been broken! Sorry for not reply but Just be warn, Don't be rude next time.

So I thought he means he will have to leave for the reason "I dont like this server" I would ban him for goodbye.


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