Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Taelin's Trade Shop

Taelyn Adelei Saeradan

Lord of Altera
You have just entered the Sorrows and you see a beautiful majestic building.
Items For Sale
Baked Items:
Cakes- A whole cake for only three Radiants!
Cookies- Four cookies for one Radiant.
Bread- Two loaves for one Radiant.
Pumpkin Pie- Four pies for three Radiants.
Baked Potatoes- Four potatoes for three Radiants.
Feathers- Three feathers for one Radiant.
Cooked Chicken- Two whole chickens for one Radiant.

Tools: Offer prices
Diamond Pickaxe with Efficiency V and Unbreaking III
Two Diamond Pickaxes with Efficiency IV Unbreaking III
Diamond Pickaxe with Efficiency IV Unbreaking III Silk Touch I

Stone- One stack for one Radiant!
Glass- Four blocks of glass for five Radiants.

Come to Taelyn's bakery in the Sorrows to buy baked goods and other items! Also, feel free to ask if I sell an item not listed here or order in bulk!
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Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
Barter with me, 4r a ball is my starting price.



Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff
I've got quite a bit, I can go around and collect all of it now.


Taelyn Adelei Saeradan

Lord of Altera
I'd say four Radiants for one ball, which would mean sixteen for a block, so 16 x 252 = 4032.
I don't currently have that much but I'm minin' now, and I'll sell the stone fer emeralds, then sell the emeralds fer money. I can message ya next time I see ye, if 4032 Radiants is a good price.