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Teamspeak Ban

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Loyal Servant of Altera
Hello, it's LemonJuiceTaco and I got banned from teamspeak for 'won't stop spamming people' can someone please explain?


The Great Leper
Retired Staff
I can inly guess at the acctual reason but as far as I could see you were being extremly irritating and loud


Loyal Servant of Altera
I was there with my friend the night before I got banned, maybe you could hear him or something?


True Bandit
Unless the staff member who banned you comes forth and tells us (me) why whatever you were doing was so bad that you needed to be banned permanantly. If it wasnt that serious, why not have just kicked him/moved to another channel. If he continuously did it JUST to annoy people, then I want to see how bad it was.


Loyal Servant of Altera
It could've been alvice? she was the mod on I remember, I wasnt even on when i got banned :/


True Bandit
It could've been alvice? she was the mod on I remember, I wasnt even on when i got banned :/
I'll ask her if it was her. For now, until i get proof on how bad it was, your ban stands. Although if i do not agree this was deserved for a perma ban, i will unban you from Teamspeak.


King ForumStalker
I remember alvice banned someone with that very same reason, and just before someone was repeatedly jumping channels, not only spamming world chat but giving everyone a headache with the "user left your channel" "User joined your channel" etc etc


True Bandit
I remember alvice banned someone with that very same reason, and just before someone was repeatedly jumping channels, not only spamming world chat but giving everyone a headache with the "user left your channel" "User joined your channel" etc etc
Was it leaving/joining the same chat delibratly? Or was it different chats he was joining? (if you know)


True Bandit
I have talked to Tchel and we both agree to give you another chance. Don't spam nonsense next time :)
Try getting on TS now, it should let you.
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