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[Temple City]Redcap Crossing


Loyal Servant of Altera
A bystanders account of a conversation between Love Priestess of The Mushroom God and Sally Captain of Cutthroat Cove

*the pirate unloaded the last crate, he saluted his Captain and left, but the door was open a crack and I couldn't help but overhear*

"Love, I dearly hope this will be enough bonemeal to last your people, my crew will be going through the Exodus portal tomorrow."

"I'm sure it will be plenty, everyone has been rationing themselves so we can have extra saved up. We planned on being here last... "
*she sighed heavily, a great burden on her heart*
"Since The Mushroom God has protected us so greatly we have to stay, help those who haven't made it to New Altera yet. But I'm sure King Cherbert will let us know when we have to round up the last of the stragglers hehe"
*the women smiled those smiles that bring sorrow to your soul*

"What's going to happen to Redcap? Have the citizens begun to move their homes yet?"

"They ... they um.... dont have to... Sally, I was praying last night, and I was gifted a vision.
*she started crying and she was choking her words out, and she seemed truly happy*
"I was as a bird, and Redcap was there, whole and safe... but it.. the land... there was so much more. I saw new islands growing up out of the sea, hugging Redcap as if they'd always been there, I saw new mushrooms sprout, I saw baby moos being born, I saw a waterfall swell up like tears and flow over..."
*her speaking was frantic, her need so urgent to share the glory of her vision, I am a faithful man and I attend every sermon, and Ive never seen my Priestess break down like that... I made sure to back behind the pile of boxes more*

*the Captain embraced her, she kissed her tears*

"It will be ok my friend! The Mushroom God is caring for you as He always has. Dont fret! New Altera is beautiful and after youre through the portal youll be able to breathe freely!
And that means you'll be growing more mushrooms *she smiled* ill have a double order ready for you when you arrive!"

*both women laughed and I sensed an end so I scampered away quickly, I have to pray on this splendid news*


Loyal Servant of Altera
yay.jpglittle redcap.jpgmushrooms.jpgbanner.jpg View attachment 9973
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"Everything like a fungus, slow and soft." - Love
Loves profile:

A Map Of the Temple
when you go down the stairs there is a foyer with the sacrifice... i mean offerings!... room to your left, and to your right is the transport room in and out of the town. down more stairs on the 2nd lvl is Contemplation Square where you can roam amongst mushrooms and consider life, on either side of Contemplation Square are 2 alcoves with private worship rooms. pls close the door behind you so you can be alone with your thoughts and prayers. Soft wool has been provided at the cardinal directions for comfortable kneeling. in the very back of CS down more stairs is the main communal prayer chapel, Sermons will be announced here.

The tourism office is also open.
available pamphlets are:
Coping with Grass Withdrawals
Behaving Around Mooshrooms
YES! It Is OK To Go Out At Night
Eating Your First Magic Mushrooms
Hymn Book of The Mushroom God
Information on Immigration
The Mushroom God and You: Information on The Faith
A Fun Day! A Tourists Landmark Guide

The largest island is named <renaming>. This is the island which houses the Temple the lighthouse and all homes of Redcaps Citizens.
The 2nd island is named <renaming>. This is the island that is home to the Inn and the mooshroom stables.
The smallest island is named <renaming>it contains the Library and the Tourist Offices. The new islands havnt been named yet but i will announce when they are


Loyal Servant of Altera
Some information on love in Redcap

It is common to give your partner a woven crown of the softest peat sprinkled with pygmy mushrooms in a variety of colors in accompaniment with a proposal. Proposals are very private affairs and it is tradition for the couple to immediately go and stay away from town for a week after agreeing to marry. Naturally when your child disappears you can imagine how mothers go insane planning weddings... especially bc they know they have to wait a week to gloat. lol.

After the week of joyous exile there is always a huge festival upon retuning. After this one week of bliss its no longer private, it's very very public. The festival is thrown by the whole town and the whole town attends the weddings. There is no what we call receptions but rather the festival is kinda the pre... reception. This works ok bc engagements are very short. Usually no more than a couple months- tops. This time up until the wedding is forced separation. Once again the whole town participates in keeping the couple apart. Over the years it has developed into a small understated happy game everyone plays, trying to keep the lovers apart until the wedding. The history behind it is to make the desire so great that is was thought to bless the couple with increased chances of conception on the wedding night. The couples family's prepare the new home of the couple in advance and after the wedding there is a ..."walking reception" Its like a parade through town and everyone parties as they walk the newlyweds to their home for their honeymoon. The reason the homes are prepared in advance by the family is because once the couple enters their home they don't leave for a week. got it ? proposal- gone a week- separation for duration of engagement- wedding- in house week-.

Most weddings are held in the chapel but some are held outside on seasonable days, and a smaller few of very devout pay for a grove to be cleared inside the mushroom farm, these groves are alight with glowstone dust sprinkled on the ground; everything glows like a sunset. Everyone gets married in the same clothes, yet every dress is different- there is a fitted bodysuit that is a magnet and then they are showered in a rainbow of sand. This creates an affect of a liquid prism that sparkles as the person moves. Both partners wear robes like this there is no masculine or feminine way of dress. This clothing is a way of honoring The Mushroom Gods creation of the Mushroom Islands( "A silent explosion of color and light"). After the honeymoon week the sand that fell on the floor on the wedding night is swept out the front door of the home. It is said that the longer you see the rainbow sparkling on your doorstep the longer and happier marriage you will have. Naturally some... extra caring... mommies have tried to set up windbreakers near their babies home lol.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Redcap Crossing is getting new islands! they have not been named yet, but they have big dreams for little islands! all of the islands will be getting new names to make them more intertwined

the crescent island will be for businesses, so far we know that there is a fletcher, a bathhouse, a music shoppe, a novelty shoppe, a post office, and a resturaunt. pls thank lars for the post office idea bc im totally stealing it

the island next to the tower is for entertainment: we have a swimming hole with a diving island, a little open air theater, the sweets shoppe, and a carousel. there is room on it for one more thing but i havnt decided yet.

the floating island is for religion. it has shrines to the other deities who arnt evil, as well as offering chests. there is also an extensive honeycomb of living quarters for priests of other gods who want to live in redcap.

i feel the need to add pilgrimages somehow... like the whole everyone whos jewish will travel to jerusalem at least once in their life thing, im not sure how im implementing this yet, but i feel its being overshadowed by tourism, when it should be the other way around... this is a temple city, religion is paramount.

the island next to the inn will be left as open field for mooshrooms to roam. it will have a single giant redcap in the middle with a curvy stalk and a glowstone underfeather.


Loyal Servant of Altera
names, bc i never named any of them : /
the library is now gunna be called ... the reading redcap? at least its not a blatant ripoff of reading rainbow. i miss that show
the mooshroom stables:
the lighthouse:
the smithy: the blackened smithy of burn ( i know this seems superfluous but it reminds me of land before time, across the mountains that burn, so im keeping it -.- ) all you young kids dont know nothin bout no OG LBT!, it still makes me cry :*(
the fletcher:
the inn: two toadstools
mushroom farm: the fairy ring
sweet shop: the chocolate chanterelle
music shop: the emerald trumpet
oddity shop: .... ? morel... ... puffball..
airship to other gods island: baby bolete
post office:
resturaunt: Shitake something...


Loyal Servant of Altera
i just want to provide some more random information /lore / accepted truths in relation to The Mushroom God. It occurred to me in conversation the other day, that i should let the races who owe homage to The Mushroom God be aware that they do.

Anyone who would call themselves a sprite/pixie or any variation of Fae thereof, any wood elves, gnomes ect. would be under domain of and considered children of The Mushroom God. They would owe him worship and be under his protection and love. I would like to further elaborate and state this is not a blanket statement for anything related to nature. Let me for example use Itsemiel, being a dryad would not be considered a child of the mushroom god but a child of Shalheranna first. Since she is the goddess of nature. A dryad might also worship the mushroom god but not primarily.
Also it seems to me difficult for people to come past irl association of the word "fungus" in a negative context. I should offer to you examples of your characters belief of the word itself as neutral. For example, moss grows on the north side of a tree and should a traveler find some to help guide his path he would offer thanks to The Mushroom God as moss would be a fungus, and therefore his workings.
I would also like to acknowledge "evil" versions of the woodland creatures such as pygmies. These would not be the ilk of the Mushroom God but would be false infiltrators into our world put here by Jishrim, since he is the god of chaos, these things should be regarded as pests and care should be taken to be rid of them as we do not know their ungodly purposes or what mischief they may cause. We do not want you to be fooled by their similar appearance and stature.


Loyal Servant of Altera
The Mushroom God.jpgThe Mushroom God is win.jpg
Someone has pointed out to me the lore behind the Mushroom God is a bit confusing so i shall explain its inter workings ooc hopefully clearer than in character language.

The mushroom god was discovered( this is explained more clearly in my character profile.) the mushroom biome was created by potent magical energies when in the altera lore we had to move worlds to escape queen grief. the acknowledgement of the mushroom god happened at the same patch as mushroom biomes were introduced into MC. This works very well together, as in game no one had ever seen a place such as this, it explains how it came to be as the mushroom god created the mushroom biome for his followers.

does that make sense?

i would also like to point out that even though the Mushroom God was just recently "discovered" he is in fact, a god, and therefore he is immortal and ageless. Since he is a god he is also timeless so even though hes was just "discovered" it should not be downplayed or treated as if he is a "newcomer". He is apart of Alteras pantheon.

does that make sense?

>>>i would like to point out that i accidentally made him in lawful good on the wikia but he should be in lawful neutral<<<


The Court Jester
Retired Staff
The shameless bump is successful! THIS IS AWESOME!!! *rolls off the sofa in complete awe*