Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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-- The 67th page -- a journal entry by creeshla


Lord of Altera
Date written: Unknown

Headlined as --The 67th Page --

On one of the many cold Novembers I spent in the city, I remember a strange event occurring. It happened on a Sunday, an as I can remember one of the most nebulous, and obscured days I can remember. The night before a fog had settled over the city and so when the sun rose the city was silenced. Few people wandered the street and for good reasons. On such foggy days the law had trouble controlling order over the city, for on these days the dark has control. From the darkest of alleys, the grimmest drinking holes rise the thieves and murderers. On those days the darkest souls one could image roam the streets freely. Murders and frequent and arson strikes, crimes unimaginable are committed but so little suspects there are. People are always wary. One that day I had decided wisely to stay inside my home, and as I sat staring at the door and tapping at my forehead a horrible shriek sounded in the street outside. For an hour I failed to peer out my window in horror of what have might taken place but soon I heard a loud commotion. Looking down out my window I noticed a group of bystanders had gathered at the door on the local pub. At this moment I realized something odd had happened. Of coarse I heard the cries for mercy, the screams declaring blasphemy but that was not what caught my attention. This pub I had walked into many a time before and I truly cared for it not, but the law in the area frequented it. And on all of days I wondered why a murder had occurred in this pub, most of the law would have been out patrolling and most criminals would have avoided such a place. I made my way down to the street and carefully I slowly walked over the the front of the pub where people had been gathering. As I pushed through the people I ignored the fearsome glares given by the people who I passed, and focused my attention the door; aghast. Not a person stepped inside the door out of fear and when I took my first steps inside, many of the people hissed at me speaking of bad omens that still were held within the scene of the crime. I persisted and made my way towards the body. Twas a horrible sight. Dare I even still call if a body, for it seemed as if any material of the bones....had simply melted into a putrid mess. Still was the jaw wide open in horror and each of the bones of the hand tightly grasping on the glass. The clothes hung loosely off the remains but I noticed that these were a particular pair of robes. Robes that of a judge, a prosecutor. Still this was strange for no judge would wander aimlessly into a dark empty pub unknowingly. And although many a criminal would adore killing a judge, no average criminal could simply....disfigure a corpse so. My curiosity was then pulled to a book on the marble counter.

Large occult cover.JPG

I had never seen this book in any book store. The book was thick with occult information of every sort. I flipped through the book and I fell to a page marked with a red ribbon.

Good occultpage.JPG

And in reading this page, I realized that this was no simple criminal but one of immense power and darkness. A glass shattered and I quickly turned my head towards the group of people who stared at me. All of them; eyes wide, could be this person of the dark. But from behind them I could see a distant figure walking slowly deep into puzzle laced with murder and mystery. I had gotten myself into a very dangerous situation, I realized.

The writing ends here, but it is followed by a hastily scribbled note:

Will continue to research my delicate situation.
