Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Poster The Call was Answered


Lord of Altera

Recently the call was put forth and the people answered, bringing their troubles forward to be heard and tended to.

To the Reputable Dwarves to the North,

Your trade agreement was discussed between the Council Members, and was found honorable and favorable.

The trade agreement, as explained, will be Dwarvish cut stone, Dwargar Ingots, and Dwarven Alcohol in exchange for food and medical supplies.

With this announcement, our ships have begun to move between cities.

Long may this trade hold true.

To Sir Luné Tekton

You invited our Council to a feast, but please save your food and pass it out between the people of need in your undoubtedly fine city.

A simple dinner is more than sufficient for your time, and we look forward to meeting with you to further discuss your concerns.

To Sir Bertrand Garvin

The possibility of coordinating training for the people of both cities was discussed with much excitement.

We look forward to reaching out to speak with you further on this matter.

Ave Rahas, and Wisdom Guide.

Andre Charles Ursae

Kitrana Dawnriver


Ayda Ralotumal

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
To the Reputable Dwarves to the North,

Your trade agreement was discussed between the Council Members, and was found honorable and favorable.
The trade agreement, as explained, will be Dwarvish cut stone, Dwargar Ingots, and Dwarven Alcohol in exchange for food and medical supplies.
With this announcement, our ships have begun to move between cities.
Long may this trade hold true.

Lemarc Piratep00f Seth_Jenkins