Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Dark Blood Stirs...



No Port Silver? *sobs* Oh wait... i hear Lars said....

Oh my god! No more Port Silver as Capital! I'll be live in PS with Sherbz! Errrr Shame I'm demon....


Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Retired Staff
No Port Silver? *sobs* Oh wait... i hear Lars said....

Oh my god! No more Port Silver as Capital! I'll be live in PS with Sherbz! Errrr Shame I'm demon....
The new city will be called Port Silver. Old Port Silver will be renamed back to Daggerfall.


Lord of House Hawklight
I think I joined just after it was changed or maybe slightly before, ah memories


The Arbiter of the Gods
*clicks fingers and prepares for a long, long talk... As usuall*
So how is iot going to work? A new world replacing our ol' grandpa? If so, will there be a massive RP event that will destroy the land and "almighty Gods shall look upon thy scorched lands of Altera. Deciding there shaln't be any use of it, they destroy it and create a new one... Just don't break this one :p"
Lars mentioned in "Under a shadow of a mountain" that it's near enough impossible to set things like the equators but I like the idea of biomes going on for very, very long miles.
Considering there is going to be a new PS... Would you mind making that one a little bit more like medieval? What I mean is very crowded, with little breathing space. Buildings built closely to each other and it's clear that the city is a capital just by looking at it. Enormous, with buildings leaking out of the walls. Stalls aren't only built in marketplace, but also some houses have a shop below them. Most, if not all houses have more than one story etc etc... And this is just the main part. As you would go towards the center of the city, yet another wall would grow out,. That wall would separate the normal people from the richer ones. Streets behind these walls would be far wider, there would be more space between buildings and the main material would turn from wood to cobble, stone and stone bricks. While wood could be seen, it would be clear that these people could afford far greater houses. Taverns need to be implemented. An average city back then would have about ten. In the very center of the city, there would be the palace. The most beautiful fortress across the new Altera, which would show that the power of the Kings is far greater then one would believe...
And now we move on to the hierarchy system. I would simply love the new world to have some sort of feudal system. My vassal's vassal is not my vassal etc. I think each knight, lord and radiant should be under command of a High King and have villagers and peasants under their command. If the need comes, the High Kings could call their lords, who would then call their villagers and peasants, and then the wars could be so much more beautiful. Not every place should be a town too, there should be castles and fortresses belonging to these lords that people can live in. all this, along with medieval styled towns and the new biomes could arise amazing opportunities for RP, wars that would feel like wars, and a new structure of society, meaning our server would have a very big potential to become one of the best RP servers (to me it already is :D)

*Takes a deep breath* phew


Lord of Altera
*clicks fingers and prepares for a long, long talk... As usuall*
So how is iot going to work? A new world replacing our ol' grandpa? If so, will there be a massive RP event that will destroy the land and "almighty Gods shall look upon thy scorched lands of Altera. Deciding there shaln't be any use of it, they destroy it and create a new one... Just don't break this one :p"
Lars mentioned in "Under a shadow of a mountain" that it's near enough impossible to set things like the equators but I like the idea of biomes going on for very, very long miles.
Considering there is going to be a new PS... Would you mind making that one a little bit more like medieval? What I mean is very crowded, with little breathing space. Buildings built closely to each other and it's clear that the city is a capital just by looking at it. Enormous, with buildings leaking out of the walls. Stalls aren't only built in marketplace, but also some houses have a shop below them. Most, if not all houses have more than one story etc etc... And this is just the main part. As you would go towards the center of the city, yet another wall would grow out,. That wall would separate the normal people from the richer ones. Streets behind these walls would be far wider, there would be more space between buildings and the main material would turn from wood to cobble, stone and stone bricks. While wood could be seen, it would be clear that these people could afford far greater houses. Taverns need to be implemented. An average city back then would have about ten. In the very center of the city, there would be the palace. The most beautiful fortress across the new Altera, which would show that the power of the Kings is far greater then one would believe...
And now we move on to the hierarchy system. I would simply love the new world to have some sort of feudal system. My vassal's vassal is not my vassal etc. I think each knight, lord and radiant should be under command of a High King and have villagers and peasants under their command. If the need comes, the High Kings could call their lords, who would then call their villagers and peasants, and then the wars could be so much more beautiful. Not every place should be a town too, there should be castles and fortresses belonging to these lords that people can live in. all this, along with medieval styled towns and the new biomes could arise amazing opportunities for RP, wars that would feel like wars, and a new structure of society, meaning our server would have a very big potential to become one of the best RP servers (to me it already is :D)

*Takes a deep breath* phew

High Kings would rule everyone.

Kings hands, would rule everyone below

knights, lords and radients would rule everything else below :p

No levin us out! XD


The Arbiter of the Gods
As I said, I would love to see feudal system. Faudal system meant that only a lord could order his peasants. King was only allowed to order his lords... Catch my drift?

What I mean is, if (let's take a real life example) a King wanted the peasants to build more farms, he would have to order his vassal (which would've been the land owner) that he would like new farms. The lord would then have to go and speak to the village elder and repeat the order. The village elder would then finally order the construction of that farm. Same went for war. If the King wanted a war, he would have to call his vassals, who were nobles, to arms. The vassals would then have to call their village's people to arms. And this is how the armies were created. In feudal system there was no such thing as King over everyone, there was King over feudals who were over peasants etc. etc. Which, in the end, created a pyramid


Lord of Altera
As I said, I would love to see feudal system. Faudal system meant that only a lord could order his peasants. King was only allowed to order his lords... Catch my drift?

What I mean is, if (let's take a real life example) a King wanted the peasants to build more farms, he would have to order his vassal (which would've been the land owner) that he would like new farms. The lord would then have to go and speak to the village elder and repeat the order. The village elder would then finally order the construction of that farm. Same went for war. If the King wanted a war, he would have to call his vassals, who were nobles, to arms. The vassals would then have to call their village's people to arms. And this is how the armies were created. In feudal system there was no such thing as King over everyone, there was King over feudals who were over peasants etc. etc. Which, in the end, created a pyramid
I get what you mean, but lets re-rail this ;)


Loyal Servant of Altera
is the building of new ps going to be a community effort or is it going to be built by kings only? if were communally building, can i claim something i rlryrlylrlylr wanna build all by myself?


Lord of Altera
is the building of new ps going to be a community effort or is it going to be built by kings only? if were communally building, can i claim something i rlryrlylrlylr wanna build all by myself?
Is it a mushroom castle? Then I'm all for it.


It will be a town like any other, so anyone that wants to help they definitely can. Aug will be heading the construction as architect and I will try to organise some resource gathering :)