Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Dark Blood Stirs...


Lord of House Hawklight
It will essentially be a realistic exodus where we gradually escape a corrupted landscape growing darker by the day, sure we could rp smaller events and skirmishes but as Cherbert says, it will take time :)


Moderating the herps & derps
awww yes!
now everybody follow these steps.

Step 1: stand up and raise ur arms
Step 2: turn you're arms around in a clockwise motion
Step 3: repeat these 2 simple steps while repeating the words...Woop Woop.
Step 4: are a baosss!


Reaching for the Heavens
Retired Staff
Lars mentioned in "Under a shadow of a mountain" that it's near enough impossible to set things like the equators but I like the idea of biomes going on for very, very long miles.
Considering there is going to be a new PS... Would you mind making that one a little bit more like medieval? What I mean is very crowded, with little breathing space. Buildings built closely to each other and it's clear that the city is a capital just by looking at it. Enormous, with buildings leaking out of the walls. Stalls aren't only built in marketplace, but also some houses have a shop below them. Most, if not all houses have more than one story etc etc... And this is just the main part. As you would go towards the center of the city, yet another wall would grow out,. That wall would separate the normal people from the richer ones. Streets behind these walls would be far wider, there would be more space between buildings and the main material would turn from wood to cobble, stone and stone bricks. While wood could be seen, it would be clear that these people could afford far greater houses. Taverns need to be implemented. An average city back then would have about ten. In the very center of the city, there would be the palace. The most beautiful fortress across the new Altera, which would show that the power of the Kings is far greater then one would believe...

I think you just wrote a pretty accurate description of Heavens Reach... Have you visited it lately?


The Arbiter of the Gods
:) Well Aug's the boss in that department, and the style will be similar to Heaven's Reach. So to answer your question Polo, yes it will be a very medieval city with lots of backalleys and streets and houses on different heights and levels. Well thats the plan anyway.
Really? :D



The Arbiter of the Gods

I think you just wrote a pretty accurate description of Heavens Reach... Have you visited it lately?
And yes I visited it once... But it's not crowded enough to me. I believe that there should be little space to actually move around... Take the Witcher game as an example. (Don't know what the capital place is called in English... I got the Polish version) It would be a great start to have a look at that...


Grand Architect
i think it was Vizima, also keep in mind its a player created town not a admin build, for a admin build we have unlimited space (almost)

Master Pheonix

Lord of Altera
So for the new Capital build, I take it that you (all the admin) will not be using build modes or anything similar to acquire the resources. Everyone is just going to go out and have teams of builders and gatherers to keep it all going, so that it is fully legitimate and no item spawning is used. Right?


Lord of Altera
So for the new Capital build, I take it that you (all the admin) will not be using build modes or anything similar to acquire the resources. Everyone is just going to go out and have teams of builders and gatherers to keep it all going, so that it is fully legitimate and no item spawning is used. Right?
Hopefully. I've always been asking for a player built Capital :p


So for the new Capital build, I take it that you (all the admin) will not be using build modes or anything similar to acquire the resources. Everyone is just going to go out and have teams of builders and gatherers to keep it all going, so that it is fully legitimate and no item spawning is used. Right?
Correct. We might use voxel sniper to fix up a few things for the terrain, but nothing too dramatic. Plus the new generator is already awesome on its own :p


The Arbiter of the Gods
I see... And yes, it probably was Visima... (In Polish it's Wyzima so it's very possible :D) so yeah... The poorer section should be what the main part of the new capital should look like, the richer part, the richer part. And the castle (never got far enough in the game to see it >.>) shouyld be the palace... Of course, I mean the style, not the exact looks etc. etc.


The Arbiter of the Gods
I guess it's the thrill and excitement that arises new RP character possibilities... One could come from richest of parts while another from slums.... Right?


Legend of Altera
wow wow wow wow hold the pressis did someone say we have to pay for the new world THATS BLASPHEMY!
*runs off screaming blasphemy and smacking random people in the face in blind rage*
