Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Death of Grey


The Talking Pizza
Retired Staff
The Grey's life has finally come to an end. Through ways known only to herself, the Heroic Einthe has finally ended his reign over the Grey Isle, and certainly many more throughout Altera have one less thing to worry about. It is unknown what will become of the acolytes who dwell upon the Grey Isle, will they fade from existence, shall they rule over the island as their master before them, or will one of them rise to continue their master's plan. ~yay~

Short, simple, sweet, Grey is dead. "Finally" some of you may be saying... and indeed I can understand your viewpoint. "Why'd he not die awhile ago?" some of you may be thinking... well, this is for a few certain reasons. A: Playing a villain is incredibly fun... yet difficult. There are so many 'heroes' that wish to go kill the big bad villain. It would have been near impossible to create a 'fleshed out' character that people fear and loathe because everyone rushes to go kill him first chance they get. B: I can defend myself/grey from all these attacks without starting to sound OP... in order to avoid complaints from victims, etc. I would simply allow his death (Don't much enjoy arguing over 'whats possible and whats not, makes the RP less fun).
So to those of you who enjoyed the RPs with Grey, great! I enjoyed them as well... I mean, how can dragging people into torture chambers and asking them abstract questions about who they are and carving marks into their bodies when they get them wrong not be fun.... ;)
And to those that didn't, my sincere apologies. :( I hope you all know I'm not as dark and twisted as my character.... (I hope so at least... but there is always that slight possibility).

On a side-note, Grajfel (a.k.a. the Grey Isle) will be controlled by Eammon and Layne... though this RP has yet to be done. Who they ally themselves too has yet to be determined.


Jane of all Trades
Retired Staff
Was amazing...and bittersweet...thank you for letting me help solve the riddle of Grey with Einthe, and being an amazing RPer..:heart:


No Gods, No Masters.
Retired Staff
My only regret is that I hadnt yet had a chance to practice my new spell on him~