Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The DRAGON In Port Silver


Lord of Altera
we need to talk about it.

Im just sitting in the pub, enjoying a talk with my halfling bro when suddenly dragon.

and then dragon. just flying around port silver, clipping through buildings like nobodys business.
I think everyone in Altera deserves an explanation for... whatever that was.

I mean it was an ender dragon. in Port Silver.

its head just pops up right next to my teeny caparii body and Habins teeny halfling body like "yo wassup i wanna talk 2."

I'm blaming Archaeus Fronte for this incident until further notice. he had to summon the dragon gods and kill us all.


Lord of Altera
I believe it was all ooc I'm afraid.... That woulda made some trippy RP xD...

Not two mention all lore rules woulda been broke with the flying squids.:D


Non sum qualis eram
Well, I mean, why do you think they aren't here anymore?

Corruption? So long and thanks for all the fish.

And all the squids flew away.


Lord of Altera
ok I did not know about the squids.

whats with the squids?

and the carnivorous horses

and most importantly,


Lord of Altera
At first, when I saw Naelwyn was stalking me as a creeper and was in RP chat, I thaught it was Jishrim madness.

Either A. Was Plugin testing
Or B. For Epic Lol's


Legend of Altera
Well, I mean, why do you think they aren't here anymore?

Corruption? So long and thanks for all the fish.

And all the squids flew away.
Is it just me, or that's a reference to The Hithhiker Guide To The Galaxy? But instead of dolphin, squid? :D
edit: Wait... this can only mean that an hyper galactic hi-way's going to be build... and Altera's going to be destroy! =O