Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Emperor's Finery


Lord of Altera

There's no such thing as being over-dressed!

The Owner
I, Percy J Newborough, am a trained accountant and tailor, whose talents have remained merely a hobby up until this point. My heritage is royal, though having spent time away from my homeland, I have learnt to appreciate and design clothing for both the aristocracy and working classes alike. Currently I call the crossroads my home, but I hope that with good business, I may purchase a plot to set up a permanent shop.

What is on offer?
It is my personal belief that men and women should take great pride in their appearances, as such, I offer a range of ornate pieces of finery for anyone with the coin. I specialise in men's pants, shirts, and jackets, though can just as easily craft dresses or gowns for the female form as well. Hats and other peripherals due however take considerably longer, due to my inexperience in making them.

Percy's own maroon waistcoat is a good example of his work.

How much does it all cost?
Can you really put a price on good fashion? As it happens, yes, you can. What I offer is clothing that not only fits comfortably, but also of course looks good. To better gauge whether my wares are affordable, consult the bullet-point list below.

  • Plain Shirts = 200R​
  • Waistcoats = 600R​
  • Suit Jackets = 800R​
  • Cloaks = 750R​
  • Capes = 500R​
  • Men's Pants = 140R​
  • Cravats = 80R​
  • Simple Gowns = 300R​
  • Complex Gowns = 500R​

Of course, depending on the specifications of the item, the price may rise or fall. More complex items and entire outfits should be negotiated in person.

How to Order
To make an order, please find me in the crossroads, or write to me with the specifications of your item of clothing (pictures please!). Payment must be made in full for items with a cost under 1000R, while items of clothing over that amount may be paid in two parts. I will then deliver the clothing, or use the new courier service to have your clothing reach you on time.

Just to clarify, I am making skins, or a part that you can apply directly to your own skin. If I've done anything wrong here with formatting or thread location, please lemme know! And when it says "write me", just leave a reply below. My other work can be found at if you want to see how I make skins.
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Looks good. Do you have examples of your work?

Also, if you are ever looking for a place to set up shop, you should consider Tambry. We aren't far from the Crossroads and we're a trading town!


Lord of Altera
Looks good. Do you have examples of your work?

Also, if you are ever looking for a place to set up shop, you should consider Tambry. We aren't far from the Crossroads and we're a trading town!
Shoot, totally forgot. Editing it now, and I'll look into Tambry.