Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Herald The Empire Reforms, again


Loyal Servant of Altera
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
[!] A Sudden and um-promoted declaration is issued by Gallia [!]

"Effective in a weeks time, the occupation of the north is to cease. All Gallians are to return to the capital or the mountains. Any who remain past a weeks notice shall be declared traitors to the cause.
The Red Forest region of Gallia is now an independent holy site, no longer held to the laws of the Sultanate. Care of the site hereby falls to Lily Menguar, until Renfrie Fletcher becomes of age to inherit it.
The Sultanate maintains its claims of the Gallian Islands and its soft claim of surrounding land of its capital, as well as the mountains of Patina. It hereby also fully lifts the ban on outsiders, and confirms the former promise of money to the temple has been donated.

- The Governing system of Gallia​

[Lerinas signature is oddly not included]​


Lord of Altera
*A letter is sent to Lerina's Inner Ministires*

"You are not required to broadcast everything you do in your lands to the entire realm. Respectfully, please do not reply to this missive. I already have a pile of your numerous declarations in my office to present to Tzoko Vowrawn upon his return"

Kind Regards,
Ani'witz Cyrion, Regent of Gra'kanat'orra in absentia of Tzoko Vowrawn Natrizi'ma
Natrizi'ma Sigul.png


Loyal Servant of Altera
He/Him, She/Her, They/Them
*A letter is sent to Lerina's Inner Ministires*

"You are not required to broadcast everything you do in your lands to the entire realm. Respectfully, please do not reply to this missive. I already have a pile of your numerous declarations in my office to present to Tzoko Vowrawn upon his return"

Kind Regards,
Ani'witz Cyrion, Regent of Gra'kanat'orra in absentia of Tzoko Vowrawn Natrizi'ma
View attachment 141316
[!] A short reply is sent this time with Lerinas signature [!]

"Go fuck yourself"​