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Herald The Featherlight Elixir

I am Wake

The Rose
Retired Staff
*An open paper is sent to every academic facility in Altera public, such as Candlewood, the University of Linlea and the Grand Archives.*
[ This potion is now public knowledge]

The Featherlight Elixir
by Lana Wake

• The bark of the Birdwood tree, at least 15cm scrapings to weigh 3grams.

• A healthy Brooklime flower with a particularly juicy stem.

• Crimsonwort

First prepare the Birdwood bark from wood sample. Scrape thoroughly, as if carving to base wood. Due to weightlessness, prepare scales adaquately and continue until bark is equal weight of a normal teabag. Remove bark scrapings and place into alembic. Burn oil for ten minutes before ignition of alembic. Add six drops of purespring water to alembic. Connect sprout firmly and seal. Wait six to eight hours until Birdwood Essence is formed, then remove fire when essence steams. If vapors are black, start over, as it was boiled for too long.

Prepare Brooklime Essence as one would Poison Remedium. Exactly the process, to counteract poison Birdwood would naturally give for ingesting wood.

Combine both Brooklime Essence and Birdwood Essence into a cauldron and stir for 10 minutes lazily. Stir again once every 6-12 hours for good measure. Seal cauldron with lid firmly with no gaps. Essences should combine within the day, between 12-24 hours. The new essence should be translucent and gassous, with the smell of a damp swamp.

Quickly add Crimsonwort Essence to the mixture and reseal. Do not stir, do not open container. Leave liquid to marinate for 4 days whilst sealed. If unsealed, liquid shall escape via bubbles and cauldron will empty over time. After four days, liquid should be swirling in a vortex of bubbles. This is the elixir.

Secure the elixir tightly in a weighted glass bottle with a firm cork top. The liquid is light enough that, if not contained in a heavy bottle, it shall float away. Use lead crystal glass for bottle, or if unavailable, secure the normal glass container with a chain or, not ideally, a rope. The liquid is safe to leave in the cauldron until a suitable bottle is obtained. If exposed to open air, the elixir's bubbles shall rapidly depart from the liquid. Pour the elixir into the new container as quickly as possible.

Featherlight Elixir was originally an experiment to discover if Birdwood, when converted to Essence in some way, could aleviate the mortal body of its own weight for a time. At first, sap was attempted, yet results were unpleasant and caused illness. Fortunately, as a Formistry mage, one is capable of curing oneself of such vital discomforts. Bark was attempted next, yet it took many experiments to find the correct dosages to be efficent. Brooklime Essence was added after the ninth experiment after the bark essence poisoned the bloodstream, causing thinning of blood, dizziness and fatigue with no beneficial effects.

Experiment 21B was successful, though the standard bottle was almost shattered by hitting the ceiling immediately upon transfer. Secured firmly with chains and a stone slab, it was apparent that the bubbles were not for show. When combined the Crimsonwort, the combined essences became so weightless that the liquid itself is incapable of staying in a liquid state. Thus, when consumed, it lacks any taste or weight, feeling as if one has not consumed a drink at all. Effects are almost immediate, however, and last for a single hour.

Named aptly, the elixir lightens the body significantly to an extent dangerous if wearing or carrying heavy materials. Bones are unaffected physically, yet 'feel' hollow, due to their newfound weightlessness with similar fragility. One is capable, for this hour, to perform feats of great finesse, such as falling from a greater height unscathed, climbing with more vigour as a beast would and even the ability to walk upon water.
Note that walking upon flowing waters will easily sweep you away upon the surface if the current is strong. Furthermore, if dragged under, one is incapable of swimming effectively. Use with caution.

The ultimate goal to find a means of flying with more ease was successful, albeit for a short duration. An hour of swifter gliding and easier flight, for mage, Blessed or Makani, cannot be overstated. As the original purpose of this elixir, thus its name, it proves highly effective to make flight both more enjoyable and efficient. However, upon the hour's end, the sudden weight of oneself returning causes fatigue that forces landing.
Furthermore, one cannot consume more than one Featherlight Elixir a day, else suffer immediate
alchemical overuse.

Alchemy Page Lore said:
Appearance: A taupe colored transparent liquid of swirling bubbles in a whirlpool. When opened, the bubbles rise and float away. The bottle itself must be secured safely with a weight or it may float away. The potion’s liquid is so gentle, it has no taste nor feels like anything is being consumed at all..
Effect: When consumed, the user feels significantly lighter than before. Whilst lighter, the individual finds themselves able to move more gracefully, as if their bones and body weighs little at all. This may allow the individual to perform impressive gymnastic feats: climbing, twirling gracefully, walking on water and easier gliding through the air if winged. Falling or dropping directly down from higher inclines of at least 10b will soften their decent. The effect only succeeds if they are un-armored or not carrying more than half their body weight. They receive advantage on climbing checks. This effect lasts for an hour.
Side-Effect: The lightness of the body also makes it significantly weaker, as if bones were hollow and weightless. They receive -1 AP penalties on physical blows, and disadvantage on body rolls (save for ones relevant listed above), during the duration. If wearing armor, carrying a metal weapon or heavy baggage, the individual will struggle to move at all. If entering water whilst carrying more than their body weight, they will sink. Once the potion effects end, the individual will find themselves heavy once more which causes dizziness. If more than one potion is consumed a day, or extensively, the user will feel lethargic and receive disadvantage on all physical checks until the effects are drained..
Resources: Birdwood Essence + Brooklime Essence (Featherlight), Crimsonwort Essence

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Thanks to Solus for the write-up and approval of initial idea
Thanks to Electric for original alchemical lore to allow this possible​


professionally deranged
Retired Staff
"Asero, you remember you told me not to eat the spider eye in our first lesson?"

"Well I ate some tree instead."

"It turns out, I can now walk on water and bend my leg up to my head."
“Incredible, Linden is a lucky man”