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The Fires of Industry Burn


Legend of Altera
The Fires of Industry Burn

"Come on Soldiers move it! We gotta'lota stone an' alotta work to do!" A saying all too familiar to the soldiers of the Latinikon, the shout coming from the iron lungs of Titus Mallus. Soon after the shout, the crashing, clanking, and grunting of manual labor eminent in the Latinkon's desolate base in the north. If it weren't for the mountains rebounding the sound, the entirety of the continent would feel the reverberation of the sounds of industry.

The harsh cold of the North was no heaven for men of war, but that did not stop them for doing what needed to be done."Pull ye' louts, pull! No one said et' would be easy!" A command hardly heard over the wisp of the Northern wind, frost biting each soldiers skin as if it were a living entity. Atop the mountain- where construction had began- lay a makeshift pulley system. With each pull, a large stone slab slowly made its way up the mountain, a loud crackling is heard with each hard tug made by the contingent of soldiers.
Another stone slab is placed atop the foundation. Man had won this battle with nature, but the war was going to be long and grueling.

Although construction was far from finished, the soldiers could no help put feel a sense of pride in what they had already finished. "Well men... that is good enough fer' today. Get some rest and we'll continue in the morrow." A sigh of relief is quickly heard from the soldiers as they mope back to their bunks. Winter lasts forever in the north, winter would be both the soldier's ally and enemy. However, the fires of industry would keep them warm.​