Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Ghost of Altera


The Ghost of Altera
As the fog loomed over the graveyard and the trees rustled in their characteristic way. The headstone of 'Lord Geo' stood upright in the ground mossy, forgotten, forever left to rest. The earth was freshly dug after his battle with the great queen of destruction. The battle of which, she had won.

Rumours began to be spread around that the ghostly spirit of the diseased lord would rise again to serve the kings he had sworn to protect. And that he could be seen wandering the towns of Altera checking on the residents.
It seems odd to me now that people aren't scared of me. I'm dead. People watched me die, yet i live on to serve as i always did. To serve, to offer wisdom, to offer advice...

As the days passed i realised that the great mages of Uthrandir could not help me and therefore I decided to move what few belongings i had to the evil fortress of Bane. I had to bluff my way in, me being me the dark and twisted residents of the fortress of dread were unconvinced of my loyalty or what my goals were. It all seemed very strait forward in my head, 'go in, come back to live, get out' But nothing is that simple...

*the text is scrawled and the handwriting messy* I-I-I m-m-must get out of here! Now! The power.... it erodes everything that is good and pure.... it ravages my very soul! It destroys me! Oh god... its her... I...

I have spent many days being tortured by the evil queen's powers... she had control over me. She could've given me everything I had wanted but didn't. She used it against me... I was weak! Powerless... I didn't mean the things i have done... The unspeakable things, may the gods forgive me...

It is until recently that I have been blinded about what I haven't got. It is only now I have realised what I do have and have learnt to value it. The kind, dwarven king taking me in when nobody else would... Prehaps he doesn't know of the things I have done... But should he find out. My life, death... would no longer be worth living.

- Alteran history item no. 321245 - The diary of the Kings Hand Lord Geo of The Order of Adepts. Found buried, half burned about 2 miles from bane. Handle with care.