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The Great Snow War of Vera Vigi


Retired Staff
On Blessday, 3rd of Floodlock, the Snow War of Vera Vigi took place. Spanning close to 2 hours, the war has entered history as the most brutal campaign ever to occur in Alteran history.

The Proud Clan of Snorri & Co
  • 0 Casualties
  • 3 Fortresses
  • 30 Snowballs Expended
The Enemy At the Wall Sevis
  • 1 Casualty
  • 0 Fortresses
  • 23 Snowballs Expended
  • 3 Battering Shoulders Used

Notable Battles:

The Battle of the Inn

Taking place early in the day, the Battle of the Inn was the opening conflict of the Snow War. Initially a minor clash between Snorri and Sevis, the battle grew to include Saluk'tem and Vivek as rogue combatants. The battle ended with the destruction of the Really Cool Fort Near The Inn by Sevis with a shoulder tackle, and Sevis claimed victory in the first battle.

The Battle of the Hill

Opening fire began in the early afternoon, shortly after the loss of the Really Cool Fort. Taking place on the Hill Near the Inn, the battle was once again between Snorri and Sevis, with Vivek and Saluk'tem playing bystander roles and observing the conflict remotely. The battle dragged on for 15 minutes before the outer wall of the Awesome Hill Fort was breached, burying the assailant Sevis beneath the snow rubble. During a rescue operation, Snorri was attacked by Sevis, who survived the collapse of close to 25kg of snow, and the forts Inn-Facing wall was destroyed by Snorri being thrown out by Sevis, who pursued quickly. The battle concluded near the ruins of the Really Cool Fort, where Sevis was knocked over into the snow by a quick feign by Snorri, who retreated to the final position. The battle was declared a draw.
The Battle of Fort Kick-Sevis's-Tail

The final battle of the Snow War began in the late afternoon and stretched until dusk. Taking place in the elaborate and hence-undefeated Fort Kick-Sevis's-Tail, the battle was later remarked upon as being "Really fun but kind of silly."

The battle began with Snorri calling Sevis over the hill, where the ruins of the Really Cool Fort and Awesome Hill Fort still lay. Sevis, upon seeing the walls of Fort Kick-Sevis's-Tail, was recorded as saying "WHAT. IS. THAT." and keeping well out of range. At this time, Vivek returned to the field of battle and joined the side of Snorri, taking up position in the northeast tower and taking potshots at Sevis, who remained out of range of the Fort's significant armaments. Cerh joined Snorri's army, switching from the side of Sevis and leaving her to fight the fort alone.

As dusk began, Sevis attacked the fort, facing heavy resistance in the form of a barrage of snowballs. She shortly made her way to the wall of the Fort and opened fire with another shoulder tackle, a tactic previously successful in the defeat of the prior two forts. This time, however, the attack was ineffective, barely making it halfway into the wall, and Sevis was caught off-guard long enough to be downed by a pile of snow dropped from above by Snorri and Cerh. Sevis was buried underneath the pile and surrendered, and hostilities drew to a close with the Treaty of Friendship, wherein Cerh and Snorri helped her get back to the inn so everyone could get to sleep.

The battle was officially decided in favour of Snorri, and being the most critical battle of the war, victory of the Great Snow War went to Snorri and Cerh.

@Michcat @HighClassBrass @Rygan