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The Guild Strikes!


Lord of Altera
Reading all this makes me wonder if this isn't a form of OP ing.
I still remember the argument of people just walking into enemy towns for fun and them claiming they got auto killed - both was called OPing at that time, and even a Staff member agreed (was a thread on the forums).

This particular case seems rather similar.
Plus I want to note that Lydel is a peaceful town, you can't just bring in that kind of RP where some of their NPC townies got murdered without the region owner agreeing to it...
All the other regions have no tags, so they are considered moderate and pretty much the same applies.

Pretty mucch the same as if I'd say that I built up a trebuchet in a night and fog operation and threw plague ridden corpses over haven's walls with a trebuchet, but of course no one saw the trebuchet or me doing it. :p


Lord of Altera
Building a trebuchet would be rather difficult due to the server's region plugin... you would need staff assistance on that one.

But yeah, this is pretty much the same case as the "automatic death" thing. I wanted to make a point about stuff happening in backstories and using NPCs to further your own goals but didn't want to cause an argument... seemingly one has appeared anyways.

Also I had a discussion with some people about Haven. Its walls are pretty much impenetrable, even @Warwolf said he would have difficulty getting in despite him being a skilled assassin with experience. I'm aware the "autodeath from town guards" is not allowed due to OPness, but in a city like Haven? A military fortress/citadel with a huge military presence? I think it would be fair to say that any assassin who entered would probably not be getting out alive... if they could even get in in the first place.

As for "I killed them outside the gates"? Judging from both the price on their heads and the nature of the bounty, I would say these are high priority targets (or you just really hated them, which is fairly unprofessional), it would be almost certain that in a real-world situation they wouldn't go anywhere outside the Keep (or even inside) without a company of guards... that's just speculation based on what you've provided though...

All in all, I stand by my original reaction to this thread.
The trebuchet was just an example since its the same thing that basically happened here.

I think this only happened with NPCs btw, since killing people in Lydel would have been breaking server rules due to its peaceful tag.
Nevertheless it sounds like something that should have been discussed with the region owners prior to this post, and reading first answer to it, it is fair to assume that no discussion took place.


Lord of Altera
To clarify... I wanted to Rp multiple contracts and have staff help me perform these Rps, but Som denied this and I did not wish to ask others around ther server to be killed so she said I could make a thread about the killings.

Also, I never stated they these Assassinations occured in the towns they were left, so I understand that Lydel is peaceful, but the deaths listed there were performed elsewhere.

The prices are what they people would've paid for the target, not what we offered.... If someone had a good reason behind the basic reasons listed.. Then we will accept for so high a price.


Lord of Altera
Forget it... I don't want to deal with arguments anymore. I wanted to simply demonstrate that the Guild was getting business and I can't exactly take and complete the few real contracts I'm getting because any time someone goes after the people that they are asking us to kill... The target commits multiple acts of being OP or Meta...

I wanted to create a Guild so that I can have a group that can do the fighting and prevent people who believe they can take down certain people getting killed because that person suddenly becomes OP and so arguments during small, meaningless fights don't occur.

However, my contracts are OP and people are in the mind set that, unrealistically, anyone can take down anyone else my themselves... This is false and yet farmers are beating up trained professionals and arguments occur... I want to avoid this at all costs... But everyone will have to turn away from the mind set that they've always had on this server.

And if you were to tell me that it's because it's boring to play someone incapable of fighting... Turn your eyes to multiple people on this very server that are both good at and enjoy being that way.
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Lord of Altera
Forget it... I don't want to deal with arguments anymore. I wanted to simply demonstrate that the Guild was getting business and I can't exactly take and complete the few real contracts I'm getting because any time someone goes after the people that they are asking us to kill... The target commits multiple acts of being OP or Meta...

I wanted to create a Guild so that I can have a group that can do the fighting and prevent people who believe they can take down certain people getting killed because that person suddenly becomes OP and so arguments during small, meaningless fights don't occur.

However, my contracts are OP and people are in the mind set that, unrealistically, anyone can take down anyone else my themselves... This is false and yet farmers are beating up trained professionals and arguments occur... I want to avoid this at all costs... But everyone will have to turn away from the mind set that they've always had on this server.

And if you were to tell me that it's because it's boring to play someone incapable of fighting... Turn your eyes to [other server]... A very similar server where there are plenty if people like that.
Edit the part about that server, as that is advertising, and is a bannable offence, not crapping on you or anything, just trying g to keep u not banned on the server :p
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