Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Guild Strikes!


Lord of Altera
I have gotten my skills through Rp, for starters... Most of my Rp is fighting and training with others.

And as I said, I wanted to and I guess got a wrong impression from Som's response to me to post a thread.

Also, when did I ever say that I was the only one who commit these now voided Npc deaths? I didn't... I said my Guild, not me...

Regardless, all members of the Guild do Regular Training Rps to ensure that is done and legit.

Also, when I say my Targets are OP... I speak from the multiple people who are very capable and even show up with multiple people and yet somehow the clearly out matched Target wins... That is my understanding being OP


The Kingdom Crusher
Angry, I do want to say that he's earned his skill as a fighter and that there is an overlooming issue of group mentalities, hyperviolence and OOC fights which he's trying to overcome. I myself want to address this. The NPC thing may be meh, but still. You two, it's an overarching issue that needs addressing server wide :p


The Kingdom Crusher
Angry, at the moment the climate of RP is dictated by constant pressure and conflict; with spawn and an unruly amount of places tolerating an extremely biased yet aggressive position to RP. Region owners tend to exclude these assassins and as such this results in, well, them doing everything in OOC to void their attempts. I'll make a thread on this, but Darten is easily one of the best applicants for the Grand Assassin gig on the server. For him to assassinate someone at the moment is to rely on a completely selfish act of randomly killing someone and disrupting their RP, or by relying on good sportsmanship which isn't present and only results in endless OOC and RP feuds which addsto the vicious cycle we're experiencing in RP.

NPCs or temps would pretty much be required until this stuff is addressed. I'm making a thread on this, as said, but in an ideal world this would only add depth to a calm RP atmosphere instead of fuelling one.


The Kingdom Crusher
People do things their own way because other people do things their own way. That's the main issue, and it's rotting a lot of stuff to the core. I want to make a thread on this, too. The arguing isn't helping either, though I know you're trying to be helpful. My advice'd be PMing Dramatic instead of the forums, with advice and criticisms. Something people do too much is point out what's wrong (usually without letting the other party know) and not give anything they can build upon. Dramatic's doing well for someone who started this up out of the blue, and I already know some interesting RP he's responsible for due to it. But this is all apart of bigger issues that need to be addressed in a dedicated and constructive way aimed at the bigger picture. Which is, as you said, people do things their own way instead of collaborating to create an interesting story.


Lord of Altera
To be fair rping with yourself in barracks is boring as hell.

The region tags were the idea of staff team, not of players.
The main problem here is that he ignored the rules regarding those tags. The npcs aren't an issue since used according to rules.(thus not actively doing something)
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