Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Librarian's Guild of Altera


Lord of Altera
Greetings One And All!

This Guild is an Engem stationed Guild
(Meaning it is run out of the Engem city)

Owner/Guildmaster - Darten Engem DiLeon (DramaticBandGeek)
Co-Owner - Howard Fillian (MasterJ13)

Members of the Guild will need to know the following three things:

1) Maintenance

Members of the Guild will have to help in both maintaining the Library in Hound-Ru, as well as work at it. They must have knowledge of all books in the library and their location in the library. They must be friendly to all visitors and show respect for the them. They must all take request from visitors and send word to either me or Master.


When given the opportunity, members of the Guild will have to work to their fullest to find all points of a particular subject and anything that relates to it; all information researched will be given to a writer or member of the Guild; they will then create a book on that subject using the research. Research could also include going on an expedition into the wilds with a band of warriors to fend off beasts, bandits, and other knowledge seekers.

Levels in the Guild

Level One: Head Librarian
Level Two: Co-Owner
Level Three: Skilled Writers (Must be Tester)
Level Four: Researchers (Must be Tested)
Level Five: Knowledge Seekers (No Test Required)
Level Six: Librarians (Small Test)
Level Seven: Readers (No Test Required)

Current Events:

Building of the Library in Hound-Ru (Estimated End Time: N/A)

IG Name:
IC Name:
Reason(s) for joining:
What will you be able to give to the Guild?:
Peanut Butter or Chocolate?
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