Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Morvoren Dominion


Daedric Prince
The lands under the sovereignty of Morvoren are a bastion to Mages. Magic is freely practiced, and the right to do so is protected by the Dominion. The Lady Lilith is known to bestow land rights to Covens, Colonies, and even individual Mages - as well as grant a single varying sum of Radiants to aid in their establishment of a settlement to practice their magic freely and privately. In return, these settlements are expected to produce an agreed upon amount of goods for Morvoren - and pay their tithes when such is due. Crops, raised meats & other animal products, fish, mined goods, textiles, timber, crafts, etc. are all acceptable tithes - and typically one fourth of total commodities produced are collected per year. Refusal to comply with agreements may result in relinquishment of land as well as exile from the dominion’s land. Failure to satisfy tithes are given pardon if an applicable reason is presented (crop blight, war, attack, etc.)
(OOC Note: This means that if mages wish to build communes within the bounds of the Dominion, they may do so regardless of how close these regions are to Morvoren or even other communes. Generally though, these settlements should be on the smaller side, consisting of a few houses, a building for production of goods, gardens & farmland, etc. Some places will be off-limits for building, such as the mountain surrounding Morvoren or anywhere too close to regions outside of the territory. In order to get permission to build in Morvoren's radius, this is a matter that must be discussed in RP first!)
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MORVOREN | Capital of the Dominion. It produces Silver and farmed goods, and is home to the ruling family of Alraun. The town is formerly known as Stoneheart, and it was originally founded by Evelyn Veileth - the first Animancer.
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