Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Nagging Norvag


Lord of Altera

A man steps off the ship to the sorrows onto the cold dark pier. The wind blows roughly through the tall exotic trees. The man hears a distant scream, and instinctively grips at his sword. "this night will be the death of me" he mumbles as he pulls his cloak closer around him against the cold wind. His gaze drifts past the pier and into the dark sea, where a small glow breaks the mist. A ship of some sort lays anchor out at bay. As the man looks more intently the head of a dragon appears carved on the stern. A cabin glows with light and the slight sound of music wafts between the cries of the wind.

The man descends to the lower part of the dock and pushes off in a small row boat. The darkness of night covers his form as he makes his way toward the ship. The waves move up and down misting the man with each draw of the oars. The ship becomes more visible. It appears to be half of an old longboat, cut down and fitted with a large cabin. A welcoming ladder descends the side of the hull and the sounds of laughing and music become more steady. The row boat bumps up against the ships hull and the man ties it up. The ship appears to be anchored to the sea floor and have no mast or sail.

The man scales the nautical ladder and steps onto the wooden deck. men lay scattered about, mostly passed out drunk, the door is propped open with an empty keg. Above the door lies a sign: The Nagging Norvag, Pub and Tavern. He steps forward through the door into the cabin. Music, laughter, and cursing fills his ears. Scallywags, Bandits, and Adventurers crowd the tables. To the right a group of bandits play a hand of cards to divide up the days spoils. To the left wayward types dink their sorrows away. A bar lies at the end of the room. The barkeep, passes up another round while a bard plays in the corner.

This thread is to announce the newly opened RP tavern in the Sorrowlands. The tavern is made to allow a rougher sort of every day role play. To get there simply take the dock master to the Sorrow town, The boat to the Sorrows, and take a left off the dock and tword the ship. This would be considered a normal-violent area, Duals, Bar-fights, ect are permitted. Just don't kill any characters who don't consent. I have also created a card game similar to black jack played with signs as cards and gold nuggets. There are directions by the card table. May the Roleplay commence -frye

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Lord of Altera
[Bump]Ive added the directions on how to play the card game Baywater Buyer in the Pub. I will publish the directions on the forum soon and try to host matches a few times a week.