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The Path of Red


Lord of Altera
(this post is a constantly-evolving presentation of an emerging concept, the "Path of Red," which has been mentioned by name a few times. with each quotation uttered by the goddess, and each action made by the followers, the Path of Red will be modified and altered accordingly. this is done because what we are exploring here is a radical philosophy, one that we know little of, and continue to learn about as we explore.
this is a living document, if you will.)
(this is not an IC post, nor does it claim to be absolute. it is speculation and philosophizing, based on my character's attempts to follow the Law, and the struggles that other characters have had in following the Law. it is also based on the word of Vermella herself. to this extent, I quote her words verbatim.
but I can be wrong. when proven wrong, this post shall be corrected.)

First, the distinction must be made between the Law of Red and the Path of Red. the Law of Red is a law. simple. a baseline of worship. the bare minimum of respect expected of one who bears the red cloak. it is not a sign of exemplary action that you can abstain from murder. this must be emphasized, as our world is one where murder is such commonplace, you may start to think that murder is a "necessary evil." the very definition of murder is an unnecessary killing. remember this always.

"Yet my footsteps are best followed by the dedicated."
the Law of Red is the bare minimum. the Path of Red is the exemplary. the Path of Red is the ideal that must be strived towards, the maximum of respect to both yourself and others, the most honorable, sensible, wise and witful courses of action. to follow the path shows that you are truly willing, and not merely beholden to a vow.

Vermella‘s Doctrine:
1. Spill not needlessly the sacred red blood!

2. Respect yourself and your body as well as the bodies of all other creatures.

3. Pray fantastically upon each Blood Moon!

4. Honour the Divine Law.
The Law of Red:
do not needlessly spill the blood of another living thing.
you must respect the life of every living thing, and respect their right to life.
you may only spill blood when your own life is in danger,
you may kill to hunt, or you may kill because you are hunted.
you yourself are a living thing. thus, to harm yourself is also in violation of the law of red. in order to respect your own body, and your own lifeblood, be sure not to needlessly harm yourself. do not purposefully bring yourself to danger, do not starve yourself, do not attempt suicide.

peace is used as a tool for protection and respect. to elevate it to an ideal is unreasonable in a world filled with evil. seek peace where you can find it, as to live peacefully is preferable to living in constant fear and anger. but do not try to seek out peace where peace cannot be found. such will be futile, and such could bring you to danger.

"The Followers should not possess such tools. it is by cunning and strength there is defense, and it is defense in which one keeps themselves safe... attacking only leads to further bloodshed.
we all must use tools in our lives. a shovel turns earth. a hoe tills a field. a chisel carves rock, a pen writes. a knife can have many uses.
but any weapon, be it sword, bow, mace, or dagger, is only meant to be used in one thing.
and that is the spilling of blood. a weapon is a tool of cruelty, and to carry a weapon means you intend to one day use it. only those with cruel designs need a weapon.
one who walks the Path of Red needs no weapon, as one who walks the Path of red understands that there are superior ways to defend yourself than needing to kill.
set all weapons aside. destroy them. melt them down if you must, by which to make a kinder tool.

(WIP, will touch on other subjects as I go on)