Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Peasant Girl From Uthrandir


Lord of Altera
Name: Madyson Annwyn
Nickname/Alias: Mady
Age: 16
Gender: female
Race: Shifter, Fairy
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: average
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Emerald Green
Skin: Pale
Identifying Marks: I don't know...Freckles?
Appearance: Well...average. With a cloak. And freckles
Strengths: Building, getting milk, dying, animal care.
Weaknesses and fears: Everything other than the strengths. And zombies
Religion and cults: Warship Harateth,
Profession: Professor of Magic Creatures, Headmistress

Most of the time, I am know as "that girl over there" or "You". But my name is Mady. Nothing eventful has ever really happened to me. I have not been through any traumatic deaths. I have never been shipwrecked and wound up in altera. I have simply been here. I have lived in Uthrandir for as long as I can remember. Everything eventful goes on outside of my world. The world goes on without me, even If I need a break. Yes, I am a shifter, But so are a lot of other people. I have no demon in me or a magical power. I am simply a wizard that has too many pet dogs. Every person that I have ever come close to has left, in one way or another. Even though I try my best, Others' standards are far surpassed my own. I simply am just a stick in the mud, but with hair, eyes, and the ability of physical movement. I am no brave warrior, in fact, every time I try to fight, I end up dying in less than a minute. Ideas come and go through my drifted mind and fizzle away after some time. I am a nobody, and a nobody I shall forever be.

When I was parents would make sure I stayed in Uthrandir. They felt it was safer there then anywhere else. At the dawn of my thirteenth birthday, I decided I was old enough to wander the other realms of Altera. I greeted some of the High Kings and such. Ah it was a wonderful day eating soup with some of the most powerful beings in Altera. Two years passed, and, in that time, my parents had gone traveling farther that the most southern borders of altera. to an unknown world. Perhaps even the world from which many of the folks who wash ashore here, claim to be from.

However, I am stuck here in Uthrandir. Not a bad thing at all, just, a bit unfortunate that I did not get to go with my parents on their travels. But with that aside, I now live with my older sister Saevsa in one of the third floor dormitories. she is so wonderful at shifting. The creatures that she becomes, without the aide of images, is quite fascinating.


Queen of the Wilds
:) I like your profile, so simple and unassuming. But will ascend to greatness one assumes...


Lord of Altera
I like it, most people try and make the best of the best of their character. They always come to Altera. I like yours, its original, simple, and honest.


Roleplay keeper
Like it but not all of it is true mady ;) you have been through some pretty tough things <.< *cough* not to mention when you got asked to join the dark side..