Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Shadow Weaver


Lord of Altera
Name: Damien Azerath
86 But looks as old as a 17 year old
Gender: Male
Race: Human/ Shadow Elemental
Height: Roughly 180 cm
Weight: Slightly muscular build
Hair: A black as dark as the night sky
Eyes: Change depending on him mood
Skin: Caucasian
Identifying Marks: The black robes that are never removed and the massive sword strapped to his back
Appearance: Muscular and of average height
Strengths: Is at his most powerful during the night, A trustworthy person, can manipulate shadows to his will.
Weaknesses and fears: Dislikes being in the sun for extended periods of time, is weaker during the day
Religion and cults: Damien follows no god, as no god has helped him through his troubled life
Profession: Works for no man


Lord of Altera
Chapter 1~ First Encounters

“Duck, Swing and Swipe. Duck, Swing and Swipe” The words constantly being repeated in his head as he pictured the training dummy in front of him was a bandit wanting his head. This is what he would do during the day’s, constantly training… practicing to become a better fighter. At nights he would eat and sleep, whilst he slept he would dream, he would dream of training harder and so every morning as he awoke he did. It was a never ending cycle for him, but he loved it.

There was something different that day as he awoke, could almost say you could feel it in the air, but as usual he still began training as he always would. It was then that the screaming started, as he ran out of the old barn he called home he looked down upon his village as flames lit the roofs and blood filled the streets.

He clutched at his training sword and rushed down to the village eager for fight, but scared beyond imagination. As he came close to the village centre one of the bandits that was sieging the town jumped out from an old alley. The bandit began laughing at him as he clutched at his wooden sword, trembling with fear. It was then that he allowed the years of practice to take over as he lunged and began beating the bandit over the head till eventually he moved no more. He reached down and took the real sword ready for what he knew was ahead.

As he entered the clearing that was the town centre he watched as the surviving town’s members were all forced down on their knees and being beheaded on the spot. In a fit of anger he ran out with the sword in his hand and began fighting for his village, and for his life.

It was not long till there were more than 10 bandits on him alone but he continued to fight, but it was in a sudden that he felt the blade easily enter through his back and manoeuvre its way out through his chest.

He fell in a hump to the ground feeling death’s hand reaching to him, but no… things would not be that easy. Time began to slow and darkness spread across the skies till no light shone. He looked around and saw how all the bandits and soon to be executed villagers where frozen still as time itself had come to a stop. He then watched before his eyes as it solidified in front of him, a mass of darkness that somewhat resembled a man but you could tell he truly was not.

It whispered to him how he could save the villagers and kill the bandits, even save his own life and all he had to do was sign the contract. Foolishly with his finger he smudged some of his own blood onto the parchment being held in front of him. The creature began to make a demonic sound which he believed to be a laugh.

Within an instance of signing the contract he watched as it walked up to him and entered his body. As time began to speed up and the shadows that covered the sky began to recede you could see the darkness taking over his body.



Lord of Altera
I decided that I'm going to just wipe Damien the vampire and start this one, and the towns undergoing some big changes, so if I'm on tonight could use you help?


Legend of Altera
im planing a big change as well aparently angels arnt aloud later so i gotta change as well