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The Son


Settling in Altera
A crowd gathered.
'Sir, patrol found 'im this mornin', ain't naw-one saw who dun it' Dermon told the Captain. He shuffled his feet nervously, gripping tightly onto the spear as he watched his superior, a bead of sweat trailing down his forehead. Captain Ekurzakir raised his eyes from the cold, broken corpse to the guard 'Someone is taking out the old pieces' he kicked his foot against the body and continued 'This is Patrick Starwaltz, kingpin of a brawler gang that ruled the lower districts some years ago. Had a rivalry with the Sagacious Man before he upped and left'.
'Sar-gash-us... wot?'
'Never you mind, get back to patrol. Have the dockworkers rid of the body' he spat in annoyance, turning to the crowd he raised his hands 'Now, now, nothing to see here! Poor sod fell from the roof! Get back to work!'

Horatio stood beside his sister, Harriet. A set of lithe twins. Harriet and Horatio were of equal height, yet Harriet had long red hair, where-as Horatio had his fathers dark black. They both were skinny, but there was no doubt about their agility and flexibility. Horatio wore clothing identical to his fathers; caramel-brown vest with a white long-sleeve undershirt, a red bandanna tied around his neck, blue trousers with thick black boots. While Horatio was the spitting image of his father, Harriet was nothing like her mother. Unlike Lily, Harriet was as equally short as Horatio and their father, Lysle. Rather than dresses, she wore tight leather but that from her joints, for which she wore black cloth. They were without a doubt, thieves.
As the crowd dispersed, he set a gentle hand against her lower back and whispered in her ear 'Send word back home, stay there until I send further notice'. She nodded and parted ways, heading towards the docks for a small galleon titled 'Queen Dawns Revenge'. He moved to take a seat by the water, crossing his legs he watched onward. Two men looking to be in their fifties slowly dragged the body away, out of sight.
The night before had been a long night indeed, the Red Raven had chased this man down, and with the help of the Upright Man, they together tortured the poor soul. His cries were unheard, and in the end, they tossed him from the roofs. No one would know what they were searching for, but them. There was a knot in his stomach, he had found out some information that may prove distasteful for him. It seemed his father ran a ring here, and earned quite the amount of enemies. Not only this, his father was well known in a royal court, some years past before disappearing, around the same time the mysterious Sagacious Man had. Horatio was nigh identical in appearance to his father, except he still had both eyes. Now, a man that could pass off as a younger Lysle wandered the city, and with it the name The Upright Man. Someone may connect the dots, in time.

He sat there for nearly three hours, not speaking a word to anyone. He watched and waited, his eyes wandering over seagulls that flew overhead, or an argument between husband and wife on the street. Some eyes lingered on him, as if confused or in recognition. This would not be easy for him, not in the slightest. Some might think the Physician had returned.


Triangles are my favourite shape
Retired Staff





Carpet Monkey
Years Ago He sat on a Horse, looking at a ship disappearing. With his hood covering his face now he stands there, watching the scene.
"Tock, Tock" the sound of him slowly walking. Later at the docks where he usally enjoys the sun he saw a face he nearly had forgotten.
"interesting times we live in, as always" he mourmurs. realising that most who look at him are rather confused he instead taps his hat and smiles at the lad, as if greeting an old friend.
After that Menelmacil slowly walks home to prepare


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
.. A man dressed in a black cloak, with simple cloth clothing beneath. With the hood drawn up, his face was scarcely visible. Short of stature, bearded of face, muscular and of average... width. He walked, with long, confident strides. Pausing with an air of surprise as he spies the man watching over the docks. The boots he wore would alert anyone paying attention of his approach, but he did so anyway, pausing some odd feet away to speaks clearly and in a deep voice: "It would seem you lost your limp."


Settling in Altera
Horatio had not noticed the man previous tipping his hat, why would he? He didn't know him. His attention was focused elsewhere regardless. Every now and again he would straighten himself up in the chair. Then, as he looked onward he saw a black garbed man approach him. 'It would seem you lost your limp' he spoke, and immediately Horatio knew, he had already been recognized. He smiled warmly, a fake smile and spoke 'Pardon?' he lowered his head and inched it slightly forward, as if he hadn't heard the man correctly 'Limp? My legs have always been fine'. He looked the man up and down, appraising him 'Do I know you?'


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Bows to him, with a warm smile and a flourish of his right hand, his left doing a bit of a sweeping motion. He would lower his hood shortly after rising- revealing the now-bearded face of Nwalme- as he also takes a moment to appraise the man with a glance. "Your smile doesn't reach your eyes, your hair isn't graying. Call me what you wish, your father knew me as Nwalme."


Settling in Altera
'My Father didn't know me at all' he said dryly, his face now devoid of any emotion as he stares at him. A slight squint of his eyes he proceeds 'But before his departure, he had named me Horatio. Where can I find him?'. Direct and to the point, it was obvious who he was looking for; Lysle. He stood himself up from the wooden bench, and remained standing at only 5ft 7". There were slight differences in him then his father, the most prominent clearly was his lack for politeness.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
"My apologies for your strained relationship, and I do not know where he went, only that he did so." For once, Nwalme stood slightly taller than another, at a mere 5'11. "If it is your wish, I could attempt to find him for you, but my influence ends outside the realms of the former Silver Crown." To compare, Nwalme would seem to be embracing polite formality, speaking with a calm- almost amiable- tone but without an expression to back such.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
"Close enough. He was a fairly friendly man, but we didn't talk that often, was a royal physician and horrid at it." Nwalme would simply follow, pulling his hood back up and once more adopting the gruff tone as he bows his head slightly.


Settling in Altera
'Royal Physician?' he raised a brow, as if he hadn't known. He pushed at the door and entered The Norwegian. He took the closest free seat and sat down, speaking further 'Mother and sister were the physicians in our family, if it could be said. They only knew how to stitch, nothing more. A curiosity that Father was a physician, a royal one at that with such a lack of knowledge on the field'. It was now that the other side of him, the 'Lysle' side was coming out when he spoke, he spoke as if he were writing a formal letter, the same way Lysle spoke nigh always.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
"Well, it was a somewhat high position, if not very powerful. Kept him safe, I suppose." He would remark somewhat quietly, glancing about the fairly empty room before taking his own seat opposite the man. It would seem business was slow today. "He came to me, once, when he managed to cut himself with a dagger." He pauses for a moment, before raising his voice, "Barkeep a bit of wine'd do us good!"


Settling in Altera
'He cut himself with a dagger?' now that was something interesting. It seemed only half the truth though, while he may have been cut by a dagger, it would not have been his own doing. In his youth, his mother had told him that Father was a fencer. A man skilled with a rapier, does not accidentally cut himself. 'Why did he leave?' he looked into the mans eyes with a piercing glare, with the same cold grey eyes that Lysle had.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Nwalme glanced at the ceiling briefly, leaning back in the chair and crossing his legs lightly as he thought back. "Simply disappeared, around the same time as a closer friend, Sagacious, also took his leave. Sagacious was leaving to... find his daughter, I believe it was?" Shrugging lightly, Nwalme would fall quiet briefly and nod politely to the barman as he places two mugs and a flagon onto a table. Upon his leave, he would simply lean forwards to take the flagon and poor for the both of them.
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Settling in Altera
A flicker of emotion crossed his face, but it came and left too soon to be said exactly what it was. He grasped the mug and raised it in cheers before downing several large gulps. He kicked the chair back, staring the man down with a certain calmness about him. 'If you need me, I'm never too far' he said quietly and turned his back to him, moving for the door.


... is very scientifical.
Retired Staff
Nwalme wouldn't respond verbally, however he would look faintly amused as he drinks the contents of the mug and watched him go.