Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Sorrows of Tenalix


Name: Sen Tenalix
Nickname/Alias: “That One Weird Kid”
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Height: 5’11”
Weight: 140 lbs.
Hair: Blonde (usually hidden by a hood)
Eyes: Blue (Looks Brown with hood on)
Skin: Pale white
Identifying Marks: His long black robe.
Appearance: A slender, usually non-confrontational, young man.
Strengths: Logic and Stealth
Weaknesses and fears: Cute males and snakes
Religion and cults: Firm believer in Sallanna
Profession: Personal Chef

History: For the past 5 years of his life, Sen was made fun of and ridiculed for his beliefs of love for his own sex. Every day, he would suffer emotional and physical abuse. After about one year of this enduring pain, he began a project, one that would hopefully hide him from the world.
He made his symbolic black hooded robe, straight from the fur he had taken from his job as a personal chef to a wealthier family. Unfortunately, this caused greater reticule, but it did manage to hide his features, so the ones who harmed did not know who they were hurting. His blonde hair remains hidden, and his blue eyes dulled.
Sen remains very secretive over who he is, though he tends to be a flirt when around handsome males.