Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Steward of Darkwood


Lord of Altera
I would like to announce that Darkwood for the time being is no longer under my control, primarily because I have not got the freedom of time any longer to play Hollowworld to any great extent.

Therefore I have elected a Steward to take my place and run the town in my absence.

Master_Pheonix is now the town mayor, and Steward for the foreseeable future, and he is in charge of the town in every aspect until I return.

I may still be on the server from time to time, but for anything that has any bearing on Darkwood etc. please contact Master_Pheonix.

Master Pheonix

Lord of Altera
I just want to reassure everyone that currently lives in Darkwood that nothing will be changing and much will be going the same as it always has. I will be taking over from where VanGarrett left and continue to work hard to finish all the builds within the town walls and then later expanding outside into the open lands for further developments. I will do my up-most to keep the will of Darkwood alive and to make sure that everyone is happy within our town. I have already discussed with VanGarrett about his future plans and I will be carrying on to keep Darkwood in the same image.

For any possible newcomers, there are many new residencies open for you to be able to move straight into our town and join our community. Darkwood still keeps its picturesque, hidden in the woods feel and the surrounding lands are unchanged and organic.

Also for anyone else who reads this, come and visit we boast a beautiful Inn and plenty of shops that are both well stocked and with reasonable prices. Come and have an adventure in the woods and take a break from the busy city life of Port Silver.

If anyone has any questions about the changes that have taken place please feel free to ask either here or in a PM.


Steward of Darkwood