Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The story of Faelar.


Name: Faelar
Race: Elf
Age: 90
Weight: 130pounds
Eye colour: Purple With a very very slight glow to them
Skin: Slight green tint to it
Height: 6.0
Identifying Marks Lots of scars on the arms and wrists, a tattoo on his shoulder of a hammer and anvil
Hair: Hair is a complete mess he never cuts or trims it it is about upper back length
Weakness: His weakness is crowds of people(explained later)
Strengths: Is a master smith has more strength then average from relentless work is very skilled with a blade.
Profession:A master smith who creates legendary blades
Religion: Follows the Dwarven smith god Morgathal.
Appearance: has hair that stretchs down to his lower back has scars on his arms and wrists from working as a smith has purple eyes that look very alive and glow ever so slightly.
Mannerisms: is very rude and mostly concentrates on his work and hates being disturbed exept for more work is very intelligent around the subject of smithing and enchanting(a skill he learned from his parents)he works almost entire days and only stops to eat and drink.

Backstory: I Grew up in the elvish city of Rainthathirwen my parents were killed because they had a gift of magic, which resluted in my being very shy and secluded, they sent me to the dwarvish city of Ollag where i grew up in apprenticeship of master dwarf smith called Durgar I was apprenticed to him for twenty years of my life before he fell ill and passed away. I stayed in Ollag for many years after until i grew weary of the underground atmosphere and wished to adventure to a new land so i took a ship called the cellano i arrived in brustenberg a few months after and have been staying there.