Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The strange kid with a wooden sword (Story below Bio)


Loyal Servant of Altera
....... okay, you dug up the floorboards and no-one noticed, you wait inside until someone comes in, not even Carson. Then the Queen wanted to marry you or something? O.O How did this come about? and why does she keep a dead King in the corner of the Throne Room? haha anyway, it's good, but could use a little more detail
Hehe. She does cuz noone noticed yet.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Chapter 4:
On the run for the fifth time in a row. I don't have time to explain. But it mostly explains the multiple scars on my back. The fifth time. This time from knights and Mr. Cartony Carton. The last time hopefully. Well its time to get to running.

Okay. I'm hidden in a town under deep cover. They don't know who I am or what I do. Just that I'm tired. I'm gonna stay here for a few days... I need to hide this Journal. I'm going to do my best to gather as much food and armings as I can.. I'll dig this up when I get the time. For now. Farewell.


King ForumStalker
I like the way the character is in a rush and he shows this in the story, downside is there isn't a lot to read, hopefully you don't leave it here :)


King ForumStalker
I'll not say it here in case nick does not want it mentioned but unless Kaies intervenes the bans perma.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Chapter 5:
Hello dear journal after three years I'm twenty five now
I'm moving to a cove nearby. I'll most likely be safe. I am going to take the journal in and record the day.

Day one: Met own private quarters
Rum whenever I please... Met a really nice person(not recording name)

End of Chapter


The Anime loving Brony
....Woooooow, it was shorter than all the others, and somehow managed to have even less info in it. Good job, I didn't think it'd be possible *applaud's slowly* :p


Loyal Servant of Altera
I'll edit it... besides it was underground and buried and dug up yesterday basically (I'm going for old and rustic) I wrote it on my Ipod... I was tired