Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The Water of Port Silver


Exitus acta probat
Lore Staff
A lot of characters swim in this water yet I want to point something out.. It would be filthy! The sewers pour into it as well as the waste from the Port.. Your character would pretty much get insta-ill from this water..

Thoughts on this?


Carpet Monkey
totally gets liked. modern portwater isn't that nice already, but the medieval version? less chemical, more dirty. uuugh.


Retired Staff
Did you consider the fact the bay is big and there are (probably) tides, flushing the water (at least partially) clean every so many hours? :p


Port Silver water, sure.
Big city, lots of people, human waste.
And where does it go? 1600's London Water bad, that if you went into it, you died.
Here's a picture of Father Thames, a fiction man that someone made up, that basic says: "This is a man who lives in that water"

Not pleasant.
Port Silver has Aqueducts behind it, but I'm guessing that's for baths and things.
NOT Port Water.
Port Water? Go in it, you are ill.
Terry Pratchett describes the Ankh-Morpork river to be so bad, that if you jump into it, you'd die instantly. But I don't think we are THAT bad.


Carpet Monkey
Port Silver water, sure.
Big city, lots of people, human waste.
And where does it go? 1600's London Water bad, that if you went into it, you died.
Here's a picture of Father Thames, a fiction man that someone made up, that basic says: "This is a man who lives in that water"

Not pleasant.
Port Silver has Aqueducts behind it, but I'm guessing that's for baths and things.
NOT Port Water.
Port Water? Go in it, you are ill.
Terry Pratchett describes the Ankh-Morpork river to be so bad, that if you jump into it, you'd die instantly. But I don't think we are THAT bad.

short correction, he describes them so bad, that you can walk over it if you hurry a bit and if you sink in your death will take hours until the 'water' reaches your face ;) :D


short correction, he describes them so bad, that you can walk over it if you hurry a bit and if you sink in your death will take hours until the 'water' reaches your face ;) :D

I am stood corrected.
Leave me alone, I don't remember everything! *Goes back to read Pyramids*


Retired Staff
Difference between London and Port Silver:
London had the Thames, a river, Port Silver has a river and an ocean... I still don't see the point of immediatly getting ill or dying when you jump in the ocean.


Difference between London and Port Silver:
London had the Thames, a river, Port Silver has a river and an ocean... I still don't see the point of immediatly getting ill or dying when you jump in the ocean.

Every time I go to the beach, I don't go in the ocean.
Why? Because I'm the only Connor Ford on EARTH who gets a cough or something from going in that water.

I never said you'd die xD


Lord of Altera
Lemme just necrobump this thread.
Last night I observed a Caprii* swimming through the waters of Port Silver.
Several things about this bothered me, so I figured I'd go ahead and bump this thread.

The waters of Port Silver would be so filthy, going in would pretty much be guaranteed illness.
All the sewers, butcher's run off, tanning run off, etc drain to the port.
Using the port as a means to "swim to safety" seems really unfeasible IMO.

*Also, Caprii can't swim.


Lord of Altera
Lemme just necrobump this thread.
Last night I observed a Caprii* swimming through the waters of Port Silver.
Several things about this bothered me, so I figured I'd go ahead and bump this thread.

The waters of Port Silver would be so filthy, going in would pretty much be guaranteed illness.
All the sewers, butcher's run off, tanning run off, etc drain to the port.
Using the port as a means to "swim to safety" seems really unfeasible IMO.

*Also, Caprii can't swim.
I agree with this. Never again will I swim in Port Silver waters. Heck, my character doesn't even know how to swim xD