Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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The yellow submarine (the background story)


The Ghost of Altera
A few weeks ago the famous Yellow Submarine left port silver harbor in search of what may remain of the mermaids. There has been little response for several weeks untill this audio came though:

The yellow submarine role-play

(The beatles – Yellow submarine plays – The music then fades out)

Captain: We welcome you to this weeks broadcast of the Yellow Submarine, bringing you all the latest news on towns and cities throughout Altera. This week we are moored a few miles away from the mermaid town and we getting some incredi-

First mate: Captain… Captain! There’s something you might want to see…

Captain: Damn it John what did I tell you about calling me when we are li- Good god…

First mate: Orders captain?

Captain: give is 10o on the bow. Dive to 25 feet.

First mate: Yes sir. (to crew) Attention all hands, secure the hatches… 10 degrees on the bow. Dive to 25 feet.

(a loud bang is herd)

First mate: (worried) Captain?

Engineer 1: We have flooding!
Engineer 2: The periscope… it’s been ripped clean off…

Captain: John, crash dive! Gimmie 45 degrees on the bow and dive as far as this rust bucket can go!

1st mate: Aye sir, Crash dive!

Engineer 1: Aye sir!
Engineer 2: Aye sir!

Captain: John, listen to me. Turn everything off. We must become silent…

1st mate: But sir- (we)

Captain: Just do it damn you.

1st mate: Level off the sub. Turn everything off

(Another louder bang is heard!(

Engineer 1: We have critical flooding sir!

Engineer 2: Systems failing…

1st mate: Sir?

Captain: All hands to the pumps…

(the sound of waves closes the audio)

(need some voice actors. Apply here - You must be willing to act and record on teamspeak)

The submarine is thought to have sunk to the bottom on the ocean...


Lord of Altera
im up for it. ill see you in a few hours (about....6-7 -_- im still in school) ill do a semi-important part. one thats there but not the main part. savvy?