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TheDarkFool's Unban Appeal

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Lord of Altera
Hey guys, so, I'll be perfectly honest with you. I'm not going to feed you all a load of crap, I'm not going to flood this appeal with "Sorry"s and "Please"s. I personally think it's stupid. I AM sorry, and I DO wanna be unbanned.

I understand what I did, I blew up Rallyx5's storage, that he built, in my town. I specifically told him we needed to change it, but he refused, I answered by blowing it up while he was away. Now, if we look at this, yes, it was stupid, no, I should not have done it, and yes I do regret it.

Now, I'll admit, if any of you have talked to me much recently, you'll know that I've not been a happy person of late, I'm not saying this as an excuse, I know it is not one. I'm saying it because I know I should not have even logged on if I was irritated, it was stupid and irresponsible of me, and I have no problem admitting that. If I'm to be perfectly honest really, I think it's a perfectly justified ban, I shouldn't have done what I did, and given the chance I will NOT do it again.

So, here it is short and simple, I am extremely sorry about what I did, I know it was stupid and irresponsible, and given the chance, I will not do it again. I'm writing this appeal to tell my reasons, actions, and thoughts for this matter. I would hope you'll consider it fairly.

Thanks for the time,

Also, on a miniature kind of side note, should it not be "Ban Appeal" because you're appealing a ban, making an "Unban Appeal" is appealing to have yourself re-banned... Just a thought...


I don't understand what's wrong with you :confused: :(

blowing building up is not acceptable but thanks for understanding.


Lord of Altera
Im pretty sure it was issued as a tempban. From your current actions, however, I see why you did it. Though it wouldve been best to just ask an admin to move it.


Lord of Altera
I was informed that it was a perma-ban. I would have simply waited it out otherwise. Is there a set date for my being unbanned if it is a temp-ban?


Yes because I need your reason, then will be tempban. I need Itzza to check this :)


King ForumStalker
I'll be honest, I put this ban in place not to have you permanently removed from the server, but because I wanted to know why you did it, now I know.

I understand being irritated but, as you know and have stated, that doesn't excuse you, I will turn this into a 2 day temp ban:

Time of unban: 19:48pm BST 23rd May


Lord of Altera
Thank you Itzza, I'll go twiddle my thumbs in the corner while I wait, possibly venture to the "Outside". See you all in two days!! (^-^)b


I think I might like it here
I will fight, to fix what I've done. I will fight, to right what is now wrong, and I will fight... until my breath is gone, and my heart, has ceased its beating long. " -Akari Varythen

he did :3


Lord of Altera
I'd just like to add, your appeal is very sincere and it's good to see you've actually admitted to it without whining and moaning about anything. However, I'd just like to point out:

Your current state of mind at the time of breaking a rule will not get you pardoned from it. This means that if you are depressed, angry, drunk, etc, and break the rules, you will still be punished accordingly.

Drunk out of your mind? Don't log on. If you feel frustrated at people, dont log on. Whether you are drunk or angry or depressed, your actions still affect everyone else, and when a players actions inhibit our players enjoying themselves, that's when we have to step in.
So, just a tip, if you're feeling a little down, just don't log on, log on teamspeak have a chat with your friends, play another game etc, otherwise you could end up really sorry. :)


Revenge is a dish best served cold.
Retired Staff
Hey guys, so, I'll be perfectly honest with you. I'm not going to feed you all a load of crap, I'm not going to flood this appeal with "Sorry"s and "Please"s. I personally think it's stupid. I AM sorry, and I DO wanna be unbanned.

I understand what I did, I blew up Rallyx5's storage, that he built, in my town. I specifically told him we needed to change it, but he refused, I answered by blowing it up while he was away. Now, if we look at this, yes, it was stupid, no, I should not have done it, and yes I do regret it.

Now, I'll admit, if any of you have talked to me much recently, you'll know that I've not been a happy person of late, I'm not saying this as an excuse, I know it is not one. I'm saying it because I know I should not have even logged on if I was irritated, it was stupid and irresponsible of me, and I have no problem admitting that. If I'm to be perfectly honest really, I think it's a perfectly justified ban, I shouldn't have done what I did, and given the chance I will NOT do it again.

So, here it is short and simple, I am extremely sorry about what I did, I know it was stupid and irresponsible, and given the chance, I will not do it again. I'm writing this appeal to tell my reasons, actions, and thoughts for this matter. I would hope you'll consider it fairly.

Thanks for the time,

Also, on a miniature kind of side note, should it not be "Ban Appeal" because you're appealing a ban, making an "Unban Appeal" is appealing to have yourself re-banned... Just a thought...
Come on man! I was hoping for at least a "my dog did it".

Sigh :-(


Lord of Altera
Sorry to dissapoint you... :confused: Even if my dog had done it, I still would have said it was me... Should've been watching my computer if that happened... As well... Shouldn't have taught my dog to use the computer...


Lord of Altera
i can see you where having a bad day, you have been nothing but an amazing guy and a exceptional roleplayer. just take this as a warning, i wouldnt want to have to say goodbye to an awesome guy. it has happened once too many times.


King of the north!
Sorry to dissapoint you... :confused: Even if my dog had done it, I still would have said it was me... Should've been watching my computer if that happened... As well... Shouldn't have taught my dog to use the computer...
If your dog had done it i wouldn't even suggest banning you for it ASLONG as you got a video of your dog doing it.



Lord of Altera
i don't understand you sometimes, Tdf, when i logged on for ten minutes, you said you hated everything i did and that u didnt want it that way, although i've been working on it for like 4 days with you semi-present. I'm very annoyed that u have me do a lot of work, collecting money, materials, working on it while you're out in the forest Rping, which i understand completely... But then to come back, have a look at all the work i'm proud of, saying it's Terrible while having built half a boat yourself, is kinda saddening me... I don't understand how you could possibly blow up my work, which u know i spent a LOT of work on, and with you knowing i'm a very good friend to you, always been... So my question is what drives u to damage a good friend's hard work... :( Me = sad and frustrated.


I think I might like it here
i don't understand you sometimes, Tdf, when i logged on for ten minutes, you said you hated everything i did and that u didnt want it that way, although i've been working on it for like 4 days with you semi-present. I'm very annoyed that u have me do a lot of work, collecting money, materials, working on it while you're out in the forest Rping, which i understand completely... But then to come back, have a look at all the work i'm proud of, saying it's Terrible while having built half a boat yourself, is kinda saddening me... I don't understand how you could possibly blow up my work, which u know i spent a LOT of work on, and with you knowing i'm a very good friend to you, always been... So my question is what drives u to damage a good friend's hard work... :( Me = sad and frustrated.
Just one thing Rally: Please dont blow up anything!!!!


Lord of Altera
My motives are my own, the incident is past, and I'd rather not discuss it any further on this post at the very least because my unban time has already been set and I'd not have it lengthened by my own stupidity.


Lord of Altera
I'd just like to add, your appeal is very sincere and it's good to see you've actually admitted to it without whining and moaning about anything. However, I'd just like to point out:

So, just a tip, if you're feeling a little down, just don't log on, log on teamspeak have a chat with your friends, play another game etc, otherwise you could end up really sorry. :)
I strongly reccomend this advice as well. In the past when I've been angry or upset and played on HW it hasn't gone so well. For instance I got my first temp ban ever the other day for back chatting, and at the time I felt wrongly done too but then I realised I'd acted like a knob online because of irl issues. Its useful advice to bare in mind :)


Lord of Altera
If you'll read my appeal, and Itzza's post, you'll see that we have both already acknowledged that before either of you... :/
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