Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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Title in front of my name?


Lord of Altera
Hello all!
I only recently realized after quite a while that I had Sir in front of my in character nickname. I was curious why this is. I think I may have gotten it a while ago when I played a couple years back. Can't remember where it is from or how I toggle it off though.


Seems like that would be a noble title you have activated - in which case, you probably bought that privilege for 50k in those 'couple years back.' Hiding it is as simple as using the command /noble title clear.
May be worth it to keep in mind that you can return to having one if you choose by using the command /noble title list, and then /noble title use [# of title].


Lord of Altera
Hello all!
I only recently realized after quite a while that I had Sir in front of my in character nickname. I was curious why this is. I think I may have gotten it a while ago when I played a couple years back. Can't remember where it is from or how I toggle it off though.
It's a Noble Title.
Do /noble title clear to get rid of it
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Lord of Altera
Thanks that makes sense now. I was seriously at a loss as to where the title came from. Good to know I have a noble title though. Thanks guys.