Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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TJDonohue banned

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hey i tried logging in today and it said I was banned for griefing.
I think this has to do with my last build, I'm building a house for a friend and in the process cleared out what i thought to be a farm left over from the house that was demolished. I thought this was part of my plot. That is the only thing i can think that I could have possibly griefed. I play on this server a lot and I've been pretty nice throughout my time here it would be a shame if I couldnt come back, I'd be pretty sad, obviously a lot of hard work and time has gone into this server and losing all of that would make me upset. I'm sorry for griefing and next time I'll be more vocal about what im doing so that I dont destroy other peoples things on accident.


also, I could not log in to my regular forum account. anyone know why this is? had to create a whole new one just to post this.


King ForumStalker
Someone (name escapes me) was asking for mod help because their basement had been greifed. Roopot went there and you were banned shortly after.


<3 Hollow World
Need to await his Royal Roopotness. Not sure if it was the grief I called him over to so I don't want to comment at the moment as that one was everything but the basement!


The Great Leper
Retired Staff
I will take your word for it that it was an accident and will unban you later when I can do so. Also return everything that was taken.
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