Medieval & Fantasy Minecraft Roleplaying

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to all residents, from your mayors


Loyal Servant of Altera
We are not in the business of instant gratification. Some things take time. All mayors will agree, we do not like residents town hopping, it messes up the plots we receive for you joining, also it's rude to the people who are trying to include you in their story. And, furthermore if you do not show patience you will start to be looked down upon by the community in general.

- rant end


Lord of Altera
Lovelorn, I think you shouldn't just speak for all of the mayors. No matter how true this looks for you, you can't tell how others are thinking about this.


Loyal Servant of Altera
Lovelorn, I think you shouldn't just speak for all of the mayors. No matter how true this looks for you, you can't tell how others are thinking about this.
but you are also not a mayor so you have no idea, just like me, what other people are thinking.